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Stress in Cats


Cats can get stressed for a million different reasons...most of the time, we humans can't even figure out their trigger!

The most common causes of cat stress are:

  • Overcrowding in multi-cat households
  • Moving into a new house
  • Travel
  • New family member (human or animal)
  • Moved furniture
  • Parties/visitors
  • Confinement
  • Cat Shows
  • Medical conditions/injury
  • New cat in the neighbourhood
  • Really… any kind of Change

Whatever the case may be, most times they try and tell us in unfortunate ways.  Sometimes, they can start to spray; other times they may become agitated and/or aggressive.  There are many symptoms they can exhibit.

There are also many possible solutions to help soothe your feline friend, from personal attention time, products, diets or a combination of these.  So if your cat is displaying changes in their behavior, give us a call and we can discuss what the right approach might be for them.

Tina, RVT 

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