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Grapes: The Red, The Green, and The Dehydrated

Grapes: The Red, The Green, and The Dehydrated

Grapes and raisins of all colours make for popular people snacks year-round, but should absolutely NOT be given to pets, particularly dogs, as treats. What exactly it is that is inside these little fruit that is toxic to dogs is unknown. What we do know is that the effects of their ingestion can be devastating.

Dogs reported to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty and to Animal Poison Control Center as having ingested grapes and/or raisins were described as having some or all of the following signs: vomiting, anorexia, lethargy, and diarrhea. Bloodwork results showed that components that measure kidney function were all elevated – indicating acute renal failure. One half of these dogs successfully recovered from this toxicity.

If you know or suspect that your dog has eaten one or more grapes or raisins, contact us right away! Once in the hospital, your pet will be carefully monitored.  Depending on when this fruit was ingested vomiting may be induced. All treatments however, will be dependent on what clinical signs are being exhibited.

Things to keep your eye on that might contain grapes or raisins: salads, cereal, trail mix and baking.

Andrea, VT

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