Senior Pets

Pets are living longer thanks to advances in veterinary care, diagnostics, and earlier intervention. But the key to enjoying our "senior" pets lies not only in extending their life span, but in helping them enjoy their later years to the fullest.

Like people, dogs and cats are prone to debilitating ailments as they age. Kidney failure, heart disease, arthritis, dental disease, cancer, and cognitive dysfunction can occur during the normal aging process. In the past, because many diseases weren't diagnosed until advanced stages, veterinarians could do little more than make a pet's golden years a little more comfortable by treating the symptoms of age-related illness. If the pet was lucky, the problems would progress slowly. Most pet owners just accepted the fact that their four-legged friends were just going to live a relatively short life, get old, and pass on.

But thanks to technical advancements in modern veterinary medicine, surgery, diagnostics and nutrition, not only do pets live longer but their quality of life has increased dramatically as well.

One example follows human medicine in the development and use of the new generation of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs help the aches and pains of many senior pets while keeping side effects to a minimum.

Many age related problems are still seen as inevitable, but the attitudes of both veterinarians and pet owners have changed. The belief now is that "age is not a disease", and veterinary medicine is putting increased emphasis on senior pet health through preventative wellness programs.

In general, some early warning signs that your pet may be having a problem are:

  • Increased thirst and urination
  • Loss of bladder control or breaking house training
  • Repeated vomiting
  • Bad breath, drooling or changes in appetite
  • Excessive panting or exercise intolerance
  • Lumps or changes in areas of skin color
  • Change in appetite - eating more or less than usual
  • Changes in behavior such as "spacing out" or excessive whining
  • Unusual bowel habits - diarrhea or constipation
  • Changes in body weight - gaining or losing weight

Watch pets closely and report any unusual behavioral or physical problems to your veterinarian immediately. Work with your veterinarian and develop a specific senior wellness program for your pet's individual needs so that your special friend can enjoy aging gracefully.

Our Locations

Office Hours

Main Office (By Appointment Only)


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9 .00 to 10.00 appointment only



  • "When my dog Blackie was diagnosed with severe pancreatitis, Dr. Nelmapius prescribed a strict treatment plan but also course of laser therapy. Every time he gets the therapy I can immediately tell he just feels better and after each treatment I could see improvement and the outbreaks have become less frequent and less intense almost to the point of a complete cure."
    Melanie Acanda
  • ""I must mention Liz. Such a wonderful loving person and dear friend. Liz drove all the way to my house to bring me medicine that I needed for my very sick Shih Tzu, Bijou. She also was so caring to a little stray dog that found us one morning and was in need of special attention. That little dog was in terrible shape and she cleaned him up for us and comforted him"
    Fred and Joyce Pennington
  • "I really liked the attention, including the details, from Doctor N. I also liked the check-up phone calls from Christina and the other caring staff"
    Brittany Caddic
  • ""We found a little sickly stray. He has since become our special little dog since Dr. Nelmapius had to do several surgeries on him to fix major damage from abuse that he received before he found us. I have often said I wish I had a Doctor for my health issues that is as dedicated to each of his patients as Dr Nelmapius"
    Fred and Joyce Pennington
  • "I appreciated the time Doctor N. and his staff at Safari took with us. He personally took the extra time to make sure that I understand everything that is taking place."
    Bridget Catledge