New Pets Help Families in a Changing World

There is no doubt that we find the little round heads and big eyes of young puppies and kittens irresistible. Millions of new pets find their ways into our hearts and homes each year. Studies show pets are a very positive addition to families or singles and even empty nesters! Pets relieve stress, add joy and give us love unconditionally.

So a new pup or kitten may be just what you need. Whether you picked out your new friend at a breeder or you've rescued a pet in need of a great home, all puppies and kittens have requirements that you must know before bringing them home. Prepare for day to day needs, like food and playtime, plus the on-going needs, like vaccines and preventive care, and for those unexpected things, like emergency care or behavioral problems.
It's common sense that puppies and kittens need adequate amounts of food and clean water to grow to their potential. What's less well known is that your choice of food could have a huge impact on the health of your pet.

It's easy to become confused by the many brands, flavors, and styles of pet food - all claiming they are best. When looking for a proper diet, please ask the advice of your veterinarian. Also look for companies that make a real effort to help consumers understand our pets' nutritional needs - and not just sell a slick image or push celebrity endorsements. Remember, some of the best medicine isn't medicine at all - it is nutrition!

Whether new owners are trying to save money or they were told "all his shots are done", inadequate preventive care dooms many young animals to suffer some terrible diseases. Feline distemper, canine parvovirus, heartworm disease and severe intestinal parasite infestations are just a few of the serious medical problems seen routinely in veterinary offices.

Your pet's mental/social health is as important as his physical well-being. As Dr. Suzanne Hetts, Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist says, "help your puppy do the right thing. You won't get the chance to redo or undo behaviors learned during this formative time."

Behavioral problems are a leading cause for relinquishment and even euthanasia of pets. By spending some time working with your new pet through obedience and socialization classes, you can help prevent life-long issues. Having the right toys and providing plenty of play time with the family is another great way to have a behaviorally healthy pet.

Then, there are always the miscellaneous items you will need: crates to help with house-training, litter boxes for the kittens, scratching posts, treats, leashes, collars and stain/odor removers for accidents. Today we have great pet super stores where you can find limitless choices of these essential things.

All told, Americans spend about $40 billion dollars each year on their pets. An average family might spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on their dogs and cats each year. Sadly, emergencies and serious illnesses add to this number. Pet insurance and pet health savings plans can help reduce or eliminate some costs, but common sense and responsible ownership will have the greatest impact.

Many people can't resist the cuteness of a puppy or kitten, but, bringing a new pet home comes with a great deal of responsibility and a little bit of cost. But science and centuries of experiences shows us that animals bring a rare richness to our lives, and this is especially true in stressful times.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9 .00 to 10.00 appointment only



  • "When my dog Blackie was diagnosed with severe pancreatitis, Dr. Nelmapius prescribed a strict treatment plan but also course of laser therapy. Every time he gets the therapy I can immediately tell he just feels better and after each treatment I could see improvement and the outbreaks have become less frequent and less intense almost to the point of a complete cure."
    Melanie Acanda
  • ""I must mention Liz. Such a wonderful loving person and dear friend. Liz drove all the way to my house to bring me medicine that I needed for my very sick Shih Tzu, Bijou. She also was so caring to a little stray dog that found us one morning and was in need of special attention. That little dog was in terrible shape and she cleaned him up for us and comforted him"
    Fred and Joyce Pennington
  • "I really liked the attention, including the details, from Doctor N. I also liked the check-up phone calls from Christina and the other caring staff"
    Brittany Caddic
  • ""We found a little sickly stray. He has since become our special little dog since Dr. Nelmapius had to do several surgeries on him to fix major damage from abuse that he received before he found us. I have often said I wish I had a Doctor for my health issues that is as dedicated to each of his patients as Dr Nelmapius"
    Fred and Joyce Pennington
  • "I appreciated the time Doctor N. and his staff at Safari took with us. He personally took the extra time to make sure that I understand everything that is taking place."
    Bridget Catledge