Pet Dermatology FAQs in Phoenix

Pet Dermatology at Phoenix Veterinarian

In the health and wellness journey, North Central Animal Hospital has encountered different animals suffering from different ailments. A lot of these ailments may revolve around dermatology. With millions of pets going untreated for diseases related to the skin, nails and hair, it is important to visit your Phoenix veterinarian for the best treatment possible. Before you do that, go over the following frequently asked questions to get a basic understanding of dermatology diseases.

Why Is my Pet Chewing, Scratching, And Itching At Its Skin?

Your pet may be experiencing common skin problems associated with itching and rash that are caused by a myriad of things. Allergies are usually the main cause of itching, although some skin issues are non-allergic. Our Phoenix veterinarian can pinpoint the exact cause of itching. The other causes of itching include:

  • Bacterial infections
  • Parasites
  • Fungal infections
  • Autoimmune diseases.

What about Hair Loss without Scratching?

In some instances, pets can experience hair loss without itching. This may be due to demodicosis, hypothyroidism, fungal infection, bacterial infection, or color dilute alopecia. Our North Central Animal Hospital practitioners have enough experience to offer an accurate diagnosis.

What Are The Symptoms Of Pet Allergies?

Owners may not recognize the symptoms of milder cases of allergies. These cases may go untreated as scratching and itching may be a fairly common occurrence. However, constant licking, chewing, and itching is painful for pets and requires the attention of a qualified veterinarian well versed in dermatology.

Symptoms of allergies are varied and include; sneezing, diarrhea, skin irritation, rash, red skin, runny eyes, paw chewing, and vomiting.

What Are The Common Allergens For Pets?

Pets are plagued with many potential allergens which are common allergens for humans as well. They include:

  • House dust mites
  • Mold Spores
  • Feathers
  • Pollen from grass, weeds, or trees
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Fleas.

Visit Our Animal Hospital in Phoenix Today

The most severe and simple dermatology ailments can be treated by our Phoenix doctors. We can recommend a treatment plan that is suitable for your pet as well as using the latest allergy testing technologies, including blood tests. Call us today at (602) 900-9586 or visit our conveniently placed hospital at North Central Animal Hospital 20 W Dunlap Ave Phoenix, AZ 85021.