Summer Heat Stroke Prevention From Our Phoenix Veterinarian

At North Central Animal Hospital, our Phoenix veterinarian unfortunately sees many cases of dog heat stroke each year. With the hottest months of the year arriving, now is a good time for all dog owners to review some important information from our animal clinic on heat stroke, including symptoms to watch out for and how to protect your dog.summer heat stroke prevention from our phoenix veterinarian

Understanding Dog Heat Stroke and How to Prevent It

First of all, it's important to understand that dogs are much more sensitive to extreme temperatures than humans are, which makes them more susceptible to dog heat stroke than many people realize. Dogs do not regulate body temperature primarily through sweat glands like humans do. Instead, they mostly "sweat" through panting. If a dog's body temperature reaches around 106 degrees Fahrenheit, it is highly likely that a dog is suffering from heat stroke. This could lead to organ failure and even death if not treated immediately. Unfortunately, it doesn't take very long (especially if left in a hot car) for a dog's body temperature to increase significantly.

Some of the more common heat stroke symptoms we see at our Phoenix animal hospital include:

  • excessive drooling
  • vomiting
  • reddened gums
  • irregular or rapid heart rate

If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms after being exposed to the heat, bring him or her into a cool area as soon as possible. Do not use extremely cold water in an attempt to cool your pet down, as this could result in serious complications. Instead, place a cool, wet towel on your pet's neck, apply cool water to the foot pads, and call us to schedule an urgent care visit to bring your pet into our Phoenix animal hospital.

Treatment From Our Veterinarian in Phoenix

Our veterinarians in Phoenix at North Central Animal Hospital can provide the prompt care your dog needs. To find out more, contact our animal clinic directly at (602) 395-9773.

What steps will you take to protect your dog from heat stroke this summer?