Dog Bite Awareness From Our Phoenix Animal Hospital

At North Central Animal Hospital, we believe strongly in making sure pet owners in the Phoenix area are well educated on all matters related to their (and their pets') health and wellness. The week of April 9th through the 15th is National Dog Bite Prevention Week, so we thought it would be fitting to provide some advice for both pet owners and non-pet owners for avoiding dog bites.

Tips for Avoiding Dog Bites

As a dog owner, you have a responsibility to prevent your dog from harming others. This means making sure your dog is restrained at all times while outdoors (either by a fence or on a leash). Furthermore, if you're out walking your dog and you know your dog has a skittish or aggressive temperament, be sure to warn others as they approach that they should not try to pet or touch your dog. And of course, make sure your dog is always up-to-date on vaccinations (especially rabies).

Even if you don't have a dog, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from a dog bite. For example, always be aware of the common signs of aggression in a dog, such as:

  • growling or snarling
  • an aggressive stance or puffed-out fur

Even if a dog appears friendly, it is best to never approach a dog you aren't familiar with unless you have permission from the owner. And because even the friendliest of dogs can be territorial about food and other possessions, you should never approach a dog while it is eating or sleeping.

Make Sure Your Dog is Vaccinated By Our PHX Vet!

If your dog is in need of updated vaccinations, such as a rabies vaccine, be sure to contact our PHX vet at (602) 395-9773 so we can get an appointment scheduled. From there, our team at North Central Animal Hospital can be sure that your dog is healthy and up-to-date on vaccines, and you can enjoy added peace of mind. In the meantime, be sure to keep these dog-bite prevention tips from our veterinarian in mind!

Is your dog up-to-date on rabies and other required vaccinations?