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Get to Know Dr. Ryan Lukens


Dr. Lukens became interested in horses at an early age growing up on a horse farm in Lebanon, Ohio. He performed his undergraduate studies and earned his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from The Ohio State University. After graduating with his DVM in June of 2012, he became the fourth generation veterinarian in the Lukens’ family, dating back to his great-grandfather’s graduation from The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1912. Dr. Lukens interests include sports medicine, lameness, and ultrasound.

Q: What was your background growing up with horses?

A: I grew up on a 30-acre boarding farm in Lebanon, OH.  I spent many summers cleaning stalls and grooming horses. I took some hunter/jumper lessons and would regularly trail ride my thoroughbred Dexter through my neighbor’s 200 acres of land. My father was an equine veterinarian and I was hooked as soon as I realized my dad’s profession was to work with horses all day.

Q: You are a fourth generation veterinarian – did you always know you wanted to be a vet?

A: I can’t remember a time wanting to be anything but a veterinarian. My father, Bill, was my inspiration for becoming a vet. Since I was in a car seat, he would take me on farm calls with him. One time specifically when I was 13, I remember helping him with a field castration. I also remember him teaching and questioning me about where a horse was showing lameness. I enjoyed the challenge of finding the origin of the lameness with the difficult cases and that helped me to where I am today, specializing in lameness.

Q: Who has been the biggest influence in your life or career? What did they teach you?

A: There are many people that have had an impact on my career and some that continue to make an impact every day. My mother, who had a large impact, allowed me to ride horses in the back woods when I was young, all the way to my sports coaches who taught me discipline and relentless determination. My father taught me basic horse skills and began my veterinary training at a young age. To this day, he refines my veterinary skills whenever we discuss cases. My career would not be possible without the support of my wife, Jess, who understands the long hours that I need to work to be available for my clients and supports me always.

Q: When did you join PBEC? Did you work anywhere else?

A: I joined the PBEC team in July, 2012. I graduated from Ohio State University CVM and started my internship at PBEC a month later. My mentors, the entire staff and clients are the reasons I stayed following the completion of my internship year.

Q: What is your main role at PBEC?

A: I work with a large number of lameness cases at PBEC. It is important to me to keep horses healthy and sound during the strenuous show circuits. I am a member of ISELP (International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology) and currently working towards my certification.


Q: What do you love most about your job?

A: I love being able to work on a wide variety of horses and different disciplines all available in Wellington. The clients are interactive and really care for their horses at a high level.

Q: What are some of your other hobbies or interests?

A: During my time away from work, I enjoy taking my wife and two dogs, Lacie and Cincinnati, kayaking. I also like surfing, golfing, and shooting.

Q: What is one of the most interesting cases you have worked on?

A: I am currently involved in treating a miniature horse with a subluxated lens within the eye due to trauma. The initial prognosis was poor for being able to keep the eye. The mini is currently responding better than expected to topical treatment and prognosis has improved.

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