Facts and Fears About Pet Anesthesia

Crystal, a 15 year old poodle, had visited my office over a four year period for the treatment of allergies, ear infections and routine wellness care. She had dental tartar, gingivitis and halitosis. Crystal’s owners knew her breath was awful and that she needed a dental cleaning with lots of periodontal work and extractions.

Each time I talked with them about scheduling a dental procedure, they expressed their fears and concerns about losing their beloved pet under anesthesia. They had known other people whose pets had bad outcomes with anesthesia.

The clients kept avoiding scheduling. In lieu of the procedure, they chose to use topical dental products and periods of oral antibiotics. Their pet wasn’t great about taking the medications, so the teeth and gums continued to deteriorate.

Though I explained that the serious infection would likely cause internal organ damage, I was not about to push for anesthesia.

Only when pet guardians can accept the anesthetic risks, while weighing the fact that the risks of dying from anesthesia are low compared to the known risks of NOT doing the procedure, do I schedule surgery for their animals.

In Crystal’s case, they could not bear the possibility of losing her.

Unfortunately, Crystal’s infection worsened so much that one day, she slipped on the steps. Her lower lip separated from her jaw because the jawbone had deteriorated.

At that time, I had to perform emergency surgery and reattach her skin and gum tissue to the bone. I also removed several teeth. Though she was 15 at the time, Crystal recovered remarkably well. After the procedure, her owners realized that their lack of action allowed the infection to produce immediately life threatening results.

When considering surgery, dentistry or other anesthetic procedures for your pets, be sure to get lots of info ahead of time. What will happen if your pet doesn’t have the procedure? What risks are involved with and without the surgery/dentistry?

Pet owners need to be aware that anesthetic risks are controlled and reduced by taking precautions with pre-anesthetic testing, monitoring and newer anesthetic protocols, BUT no doctor or veterinarian can guarantee that every patient will recover perfectly.

The fact is anesthesia causes changes in physiological responses. The heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate will change in response to the drugs. Most of the time, when anesthetic complicaitons occur, there is some unknown factor contributing, such as undiagnosed heart disease.

Not all people and animals respond as expected.

When scheduling procedures, I want to have as much info about the pet as possible,  and this includes diet, supplements, prior anesthetic experiences. Records, including types and amounts of anesthesia given and how the pet recovered, are factored into my choice of anesthesia.

  1. Pet owners can decrease their fears regarding anesthesia with proper pre-anesthetic preparation:

    • What type of procedure will be done and how long will their pet be under anesthesia?

    • Which tests will be performed to help the doctor determine the safety of the procedure? I recommend full CBC, chemistry profile (including electrolytes) and EKG with review by a cardiologist (many practices do not provide this level of testing, so be sure to ask). For some breeds of pets, I also recommend cardiac enzyme testing and thyroid tests. For pets with heart murmurs or heart conditions, I recommend chest x-rays and echocardiogram.  

    • Be sure to review the test results with the veterinarian prior to drop off for the procedure.

    • What combination of anesthesia will be used? Usually there is a pre-medication and sedative to help the pet relax and prevent pain, followed by an inhalant like isoflurane or sevoflurane.

    • How will the pet be monitored? I recommend blood pressure, pulse oximetry, Oxygen levels, EKG and an experienced veterinary nurse monitoring the pet during the entire procedure through complete recovery.

    • Will the pet be intubated? An endotracheal tube is preferred, so oxygen can be administered if the pet stops breathing on its own.

  2. Be certain you understand the type of anesthetics their veterinarian intends to use and what effects your pet may experience during recovery and when your returns home.

There are many anesthetics available for pets. Many practices utilize a variety of different drugs to create a smooth induction and recovery, as well as a pain-free experience for your pets. Experienced veterinary staff will select anesthesia specifically for the age, breed, and type of procedure, often using twilight procedures with reversal agents, when possible.

My advice for all pet owners is to ask lots of questions, and get the pre-anesthetic testing which helps your doctor make informed choices for the best anesthetic outcomes.

The doctors and staff of our animal hospitals are here in service to the community. Please let us know how we can help and know that our prayers are with you and your families.

"[We] would like to thank you all and Dr. Jones for the great presentation today! He was very informative and so willing to answer everyone's questions! Gee, we had him talking for almost 2 & 1/2 hours! Everyone learned and his presentation was extremely well received! If your office would ever like to collaborate again, please let me know! Thank you very much!"
Renee Lauer, President
The Bichon Frise Club of Western Pennsylvania


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