Prevention and Treatment of Disc Disease in Pets

Every week I treat several pets who are suffering from intervertebral disc disease. Many are dogs, but cats and other species are also affected. Pets with the condition come to the office with a variety of complaints ranging from mild pain or weakness to complete paralysis.
The majority of pets I treat benefit from acupuncture, therapeutic massage, physical therapy, herbs and diet change. Occasionally, I use traditional drug treatments. Rarely do my patients require surgery. Many paralyzed pets walk again with medical therapy, including the pets which have had surgery and have not walked since the procedure.
In order to appropriately treat pets and help prevent this condition from occurring, we need to understand what an intervertebral disc is and how it becomes damaged.

The intervertebral disks sit between the vertebrae in the spine. They function as shock absorbers between the bones which surround the spinal cord. Each disc is made up of two parts, an outer fibrous covering and an inner, gel portion, the nucleus pulposus.
Invertebral disc disease (IVDD) occurs when there is degeneration of the intervertebral disks. As disks degenerate, they lose some of their moisture, the nucleus becomes less gelatinous and more calcified. This calcified disc provides less cushion and shock absorption and is more apt to herniate or protrude. Discs usually rupture in an upward direction, placing pressure on the spinal cord.

Disc Disease can occur in any area of the spinal cord. Dachshunds, Beagles and other chondrodystrophic dogs (dogs with short legs and long bodies) are frequently affected, as their disks degenerate more readily than other breeds. Young to middle-aged dogs are most commonly affected with disc herniation, while middle-aged to older large breed dogs more often develop disc protrusion. MIxed breed dogs can also develop IVDD.
Signs of spinal cord disease, such as back or neck pain, refusal to eat or bark, weakness in the limbs, knuckling, lameness, or paralysis develop due to the disk material pressing on the spinal cord. The more spinal cord damage, the more severe the signs.

The most important determinant for a vet to give a prognosis in a dog with IVDD is the ability to consciously feel his limbs through a reflex tested during the neurologic exam. This reflex is called a Deep Pain Reflex.. If a pet maintains this reflex, even if he can no longer move his legs, there is an excellent chance that acupuncture and other physical therapies will bring about recovery. When this reflex is lacking, I recommend referral for surgery, upon confirmation of the diagnosis by either a CT scan or MRI of the spine. (I have had instances in which medical management was successful, even without a Deep Pain Reflex on initial exam, however, treatment must be started as soon as possible in these pets).
Anesthesia is required to perform CT or MRI in pets. The diagnostic tests are recommended, because other spinal conditions can mimic IVDD. These conditions include spinal cord infections, cancers and fibrocartilaginous embolism, all of which must be treated medically.
Prior to MRI, I recommend general blood work and x-rays. I have found cases in which thyroid and other hormone imbalances have brought on weakness and paralysis typical of that seen in IVDD.

Discs become damaged by changes in spinal movement, repetitive trauma through play or work, or changes in blood flow to the structures surrounding the spinal column. Thyroid disease can alter blood flow and occurs with higher frequency in dog breeds which are also at increased risk of IVDD.

The keys to preventing disc disease include healthy hormone function, ideal weight, good nutrition, excellent spinal alignment through regular animal chiropractic adjustments and healthy blood flow to the back and joints.

Talk to your veterinarian about your pet's breed related health risks and ask her which websites are reliable to visit for breed specific info about IVDD or other related conditions.
To prevent IVDD or for maintenance after recovery from IVDD, be certain your pet gets regular exams with blood work, and animal chiropractic adjustments at least four times annually by a veterinarian who has advanced training in veterinary spinal manipulation. Maintaining spinal health is much more effective than treating IVDD after a pet becomes paralyzed.

The doctors and staff of our animal hospitals are here in service to the community. Please let us know how we can help and know that our prayers are with you and your families.

"[We] would like to thank you all and Dr. Jones for the great presentation today! He was very informative and so willing to answer everyone's questions! Gee, we had him talking for almost 2 & 1/2 hours! Everyone learned and his presentation was extremely well received! If your office would ever like to collaborate again, please let me know! Thank you very much!"
Renee Lauer, President
The Bichon Frise Club of Western Pennsylvania


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