Coping With Fireworks

Each year as July 4th approaches, the number one complaint that pet owners voice is their concern over holiday fireworks causing injury or anxiety in their companions.
Residents of Ellwood City and surrounding areas get plenty of exposure to fireworks for weeks before and after the holiday.  Many humans complain about the increased noise, but we typically manage better than dogs who have more sensitivity to loud noises and vibrations. Pets who suffer from separation anxiety when their owners or “human pack” leave them alone for hours have even more stress related to thunderstorms and fireworks.
In addition to the loud sounds that fireworks produce, some pets become disturbed by things they can’t control in their territories and may chase the fireworks or try to bite them. Several years ago, I had to treat a dog which would run after and catch the fireworks. The family thought it was funny, until their pet caught one. The oral burn injuries were pretty severe and required extensive surgery to repair. Fortunately, Jack, the Jack Russell Terrier survived.
In other cases, clients have complained that their dogs have refused to potty outside after becoming frightened during a fireworks show, cats have quit using the litter box and some pets have developed bloody diarrhea for days after the 4th.
You can help your pet stay safe and stress-free this season. There are many preventive solutions to injuries and pet noise anxiety. Independence Day does not have to be a dreaded holiday; here are some tips that have been proven to calm anxious animals.
1. Keep pets indoors throughout the fireworks season. Pets that are easily excited get higher levels of adrenaline and can break through a tie-out line or fenced area. Cats may hide in unsafe areas or try to run outside if frightened. Provide safe hiding places for pet cats.
2. If pets must be outdoors, keep them on a short leash near you. Do not allow a child to handle a pet during the fireworks. Even the gentlest animal can get nervous and hurt children during festivities. Never take a pet to a fireworks show.
3. DO NOT leave pets in cars unattended during the holiday season. There have been stories of pet owners going in a grocery store for "just a moment" and someone nearby throwing snap-n-pop fireworks, scaring the pet. This situation can lead to self inflicted harm or heat exhaustion when the pet overheats during panic. If you plan on going outside the car at anytime, leave your pet at home.
4. At the veterinary hospital where I work, there are many cases in which animals have hurt themselves because of close contact with dangerous objects. Try to remove dangerous objects that could cause harm to a panic-stricken dog. Sometimes this means putting tools and rakes in safer places. This also applies to farm animals, like horses in stalls. An exposed nail or wire may be avoided under typical circumstances, but during panic events, I’ve seen horses cut an eyelid or an 8 inch strip of skin along the side of the body.
5. Keep children away from pets when using sparklers.
6. Placing cotton balls in pets’ ears during the holiday season helps reduce stress.  Please remember that pets have eardrums, so only place to the level your finger can reach.
7. For anxious animals, our office stocks calming pheromone collars and sprays. We also recommend “anxiety wraps”, calming herbs and essential oils. Sometimes combinations of these products create a safe and natural solution. For very anxious animals, I prescribe stronger medications, such as short term anti-anxiety or tranquilizing medications.
 8. Remember to place ID tags on animals before festivities begin. Consider having your vet microchip pets for permanent identification which cannot be removed when a collar is lost.
9. During the firework show, turn on the television or radio for distraction. Create as normal an environment as possible for your pet and DO NOT feed into a pet’s anxiety by holding your breath and becoming angry.
10. Remember to pick up leftover and exploded fireworks. Pets should never contact  fireworks since they contain harmful chemicals.
These tips can get you and pets through the coming weeks, while preventing emergency visits to the veterinary hospital.  Pets have been known to jump through plate glass windows, get stuck in toilets and otherwise inflict personal damage to their bodies during times of loud noises. Behavior changes, such as urinating inside the house or out of a litter box can also be a stress reaction. Some animals can develop colitis or blood in the bowel movement after a stressful 4th.
 With the proper planning in your home and the right remedies, everything can run  smoothly. When needed, consult your veterinarian for anti-anxiety medications to prevent serious injuries and illness.

The doctors and staff of our animal hospitals are here in service to the community. Please let us know how we can help and know that our prayers are with you and your families.

"[We] would like to thank you all and Dr. Jones for the great presentation today! He was very informative and so willing to answer everyone's questions! Gee, we had him talking for almost 2 & 1/2 hours! Everyone learned and his presentation was extremely well received! If your office would ever like to collaborate again, please let me know! Thank you very much!"
Renee Lauer, President
The Bichon Frise Club of Western Pennsylvania


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