Itchy pets are very common on Maui.  One of the least known, but widespread causes of itch is yeast in the skin.  Pets normally have a small amount of yeast in the skin, which does not cause any problem.   We humans also have a little on our skin too!  But when there is a population explosion, yeast cause itch, scratching, licking of the skin, hair loss, and a smell that can only be described as...yeasty! 


This poor dog has an overgrowth of the most common type of yeast in the skin of pets: malasezzia.  It can be easily diagnosed by examining a specimen from the skin under a microscope. 

Here is a picture of what these microscopic creatures look like...yuck! 

Yeast.jpgWhen diagnosed, your South Shore Vet will determine if there are any underlying health issues, which are common with yeast overgrowth in the skin.  These include allergies and hormone problems.  Next, addressing the underlying issue, along with special shampoos, medications and supplements will clear these nasties away!