Dogs and cats in Hawaii can get tapeworms.  One danger to families is that children may contract tapeworms from our four legged family members. Tapeworms in children are transmitted when a child accidentally ingests a flea from a dog or cat with tapeworms.

Tapeworms and dogs and cats in Hawaii

This is a picture of a tapeworm segment.  One serious effect of tapeworms in children is when the worm moves into the eye, which can cause vision loss. 

Pets in Hawaii usually get tapeworms from fleas or from hunting.  They can sometimes be seen in the stool or around the rear end of the pet.  In dogs and cats, tapeworms are NOT usually a cause of either weight loss or diarrhea, except in the most extreme cases.  Most commonly they are present very quietly with little visible signs of illness.

Control of fleas with high quality products is extremely important for your Hawaiian pet.  Please contact us to help keep your pet and family free of these parasites!