7369 Day Creek Blvd

Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 US

(909) 646-7387

Bad Breath in Pets

Preventing Bad Breath in Pets

Dog eating and waiting to have teeth brushed at Dry Creek Animal Hospital

Most pet's mouth can smell a little funky at times, but if your pet has unusually bad breath, it can be a sign that something's wrong. Bad breath is caused by bacteria that cause odors building up in your pet's mouth, stomach, or lungs. It can mean that you need to provide better dental care for your pet, or it can be a sign of something more serious. In either case, treating bad breath in pets is the job of your veterinarian in many cases.

Rancho Cucamonga Veterinarian Advises on Pet Dental Care

Treating bad breath in pets can mean something as simple as caring for your pet's dental health a little more closely. Some of the most basic ways to care for your pet's dental health is to provide food that includes crunchy bits, brush your pet's teeth with a special pet toothbrush, provide crunchy treats that can help to remove plaque from the tooth enamel, and avoid giving your pet treats from your table.

At Day Creek Animal Hospital we're concerned about animal dental care. We have an animal dentist on staff that can give your pet a complete dental examination to determine the cause of your pet's bad breath. If your pet's breath problem is simply an increase in the normal odors, dental care will probably solve the problem. However, other odors can indicate more serious problems:

  • Fruity or sweet breath can indicate a pet that had diabetes, especially if the pet has been drinking and urinating more
  • A very foul odor, combined with yellowed eyes, vomiting, or lack of appetite, could mean liver problems
  • Breath that smells like urine can mean some form of kidney disease

Make an Appointment with Day Creek Animal Hospital Today

If your pet is suffering from any of these symptoms, come to our office immediately. If the problem is simply a pet that has bad breath, make an appointment for your pet to see our animal dentist. Call Day Creek Animal Hospital at 909-689-0521 to make an appointment today.

OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9:00 am – 8:00 pm , WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM- 6:00 PM, and SUNDAY Closed

Please call to learn more.

Visit us at 7369 Day Creek Blvd, Suite F 101, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739. Call 909-646-7387.

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  • "I had my first visit tonight, an emergency. The place is amazing and everyone is so kind and caring. My dog was treated so gently and with so much compassion. I will definitely be back."
    Kathy O.
  • "Outstanding! Took great care of our boy Gibbs and he is feeling better and back to his old self"
    Lisa D.

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