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Saratoga Springs

(518) 869-5779

A Happy New Year

There’s a lot of talk this month about embarking on New Years’ Resolutions that promote good health and peace in your life. You might have resolved to exercise, meditate, take a yoga class or reach out and connect with an old friend whom you haven’t spoken to in a while. Medical research guides us in selecting these goals as ways to improve our overall health. Studies also show that if we actually follow through with these measures, they do, in fact improve our health and well-being.

Have you ever thought about creating New Year’s resolutions for your cat? Yes, your beloved cat. We compiled a list here of our medical recommendations to inspire you.

New Years’ Resolutions for Cats

  • Spend quality time with your cat each day, petting, grooming, or playing with them.
  • Make an appointment for an annual checkup. It sounds simple, but statistics show that 52% of cats in the U.S. have not been taken to a veterinarian in the past year for necessary routine checkups. Often it is because cats are very effective at masking signs of illness and injury or a cat owner doesn’t want to stress their cat with a visit to their veterinarian. Just remember, Just Cats is a cat-friendly veterinary clinic and we make house calls. If you have a senior cat (11+ years), we recommend two checkups a year to help them live longer.

  • Enrich your cat’s environment by adding a scratching post or food puzzle to improve your cat's physical and mental well-being.

  • Evaluate your cat’s nutrition. Talk with us to make sure you're feeding the correct amount and kind of food for your cat's size and activity level.

And for your mental health, you might enjoy some humor in watching these cat videos as much as we did. LINK

Wishing you and your feline family a Happy and Healthy New Year!

From the Just Cats doctors and our amazing Just Cats team

Just Cats Veterinary Clinic


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