
(518) 869-5779

Saratoga Springs

(518) 869-5779

Greyson - How Your Donations Help

We’d like to introduce you to Greyson, a handsome 9-year-old who came into our office because his family noticed he was having some trouble urinating, and there appeared to be some blood.

They brought him to Just Cats right away. One of our veterinarians performed an exam and diagnostic testing, and x-ray imaging showed he had a large stone lodged in his urethra. This sweet boy was uncomfortable and fading fast.

After several unsuccessful attempts to flush the urethra to dislodge the stone, his quality of life was declining. We needed to correct the problem surgically, and quickly.  

The challenge was that his family was running out of funds. We knew we could save this beautiful feline and would have been heartbroken to let his family’s finances be the reason he didn’t make it.

This is where Just Cat’s Nine Lives Fund comes in. We do our best to help families in need of financial assistance for the health of their cats. But we can’t do it alone.

We are proud to be able to provide help to individuals whose pets are being treated for life-threatening health ailments or injuries, with the help of donations made to the Just Cats Nine Lives Fund. One-hundred percent of the donated funds are used directly by Just Cats, exclusively to help cats like Greyson.

These times are more dire than normal and more families will need help. You can help them by donating today!

Donate Today by Clicking Here


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