
(518) 869-5779

Saratoga Springs

(518) 869-5779

Gamora’s Story

On a rainy August evening, Just Cats Manager Missy was driving home along the Northway when she spotted a small movement in the right lane. She quickly realized that there was a tiny kitten about to wander into the road. Missy determined that it was safe to pull over, and she reached the kitten in time to prevent her from moving further into the lane and being hit by oncoming traffic.

Missy knew right away that the only chance for saving the kitten’s life was to get her to the vet immediately. She wrapped the tiny kitten in a blanket from her car and placed her in a tote bag to keep her secure while riding. The kitten was malnourished and seemed to have little will to live left.

When the pair arrived at the Saratoga Just Cats clinic, Dr. Petersen and her team began to work on the kitten. Dr. Peterson saw how very severely ill she was – her eyes were infected, she had multiple open wounds, and she could barely stand on her own. The team estimated the kitten’s age at about three weeks old, and she wasn’t able to eat on her own. Even after Dr. Petersen cleaned the kitten’s wounds and prescribed several medications, the team wasn’t sure if she would make it. The next two weeks of treatment and around the clock care would be crucial.

Missy and the team at Just Cats syringe-fed the weak kitten every two to four hours for the next two weeks.

One day – as if by a miracle – the kitten began to eat on her own. Soon thereafter, she found her purr and spunk, and she began to play.

Thanks to Dr. Petersen and her incredible team, the kitten made a full recover. Missy had grown so attached to the kitten after her dramatic rescue that she decided to keep her and make her part of the family at home. She and her husband named the kitten Gamora, who is one of the strongest members of the Guardians of the Galaxy (part of the Marvel comics superhero team).

Just like Marvel’s Gamora, kitten Gamora is a fighter! She is now one of the liveliest members of Missy’s household and makes life continuously active and adventurous for her older siblings, 15-year-old Simon and 21-year-old Cracker.

We are so grateful that Missy spotted that tiny figure on the road on that rainy night and that Dr. Petersen and the team nursed her back to health with their skill, compassion, and patience.



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