Pet Grooming in Concord & Pleasant Hill

Taking your pup to the groomer isn’t quite like getting your own haircut. Here are some tips for choosing a pet groomer in Concord and Pleasant Hill.

Your dog will always be number one in your book. 

It will always be the cutest dog in the pack and no other puppy will come close in your eyes. 

So when it's time to get your dog a trim and a clean, what can you do to make sure you get the most out of each visit to the groomer? 

Come along as we teach you 4 tips to get great results at the groomers.


Get Your Dog Prepped Before Your Visit

Getting your dog prepared for contact with people other than you can go a long way before your visit to the groomer.
As the saying goes, your dog is always going to be your best friend no matter what. But if you force them into social situations as a puppy, they will be less apprehensive and skittish around other people.
This will make your groomer's job easier tenfold especially for when they have to clip your doggo's nails.


Get Your Dog Familiar With the Groomers As a Puppy

Like getting your dog acquainted with other people, you should make sure to take your dog to the groomer at an early age.
Even if you don't think your dog needs a haircut quite yet, you should take your dog in early just to build its relationship to the concept of grooming.
If they don't view it as a scary chore they may come to associate it with getting a treat after it is all over.
A reward for their beautification!
Your groomer will thank you when your dog is calm and collected during its appointment.


Brush Your Dog Regularly

Brushing your dog regularly will help prevent it from getting unwanted knots in its fur.
This will also help your groomer in a big way as they won't have to give your dog as extreme a hair cut as they would if your dog has tangled and matted fur.
Plus, it will make your dog's coat look full and healthy and cut down on all of the excess dog hair in your home!

Know What You Want For Your Visit

Knowing exactly what you want before visiting the groomer will help them form a specific plan of attack when it comes to cleaning your dog.
This will help especially if you have a dog that isn't quite comfortable with visiting the groomer or hanging out with people in general.
So have a game plan before you visit the groomer.
If you only want a clean and a cut, only get that!
It will make your groomer's job easier and your dog will be thankful to only be there for as long as it should be.

Voila! Now You Know 4 Great Tips To Get The Most From Your Visit to the Groomer

By using these 4 great tips, your pupperino will look the most stylish it's ever looked after visiting the groomer.
If you have any more questions about getting the best results from your visit to the groomer, feel free to get in touch with us.
We are here to help!

Taking your pup to the groomer isn’t quite like getting your own haircut. Here are some tips for choosing a pet groomer in Concord and Pleasant Hill.

Your dog will always be number one in your book. 

It will always be the cutest dog in the pack and no other puppy will come close in your eyes. 

So when it's time to get your dog a trim and a clean, what can you do to make sure you get the most out of each visit to the groomer? 

Come along as we teach you 4 tips to get great results at the groomers.


Get Your Dog Prepped Before Your Visit

Getting your dog prepared for contact with people other than you can go a long way before your visit to the groomer.
As the saying goes, your dog is always going to be your best friend no matter what. But if you force them into social situations as a puppy, they will be less apprehensive and skittish around other people.
This will make your groomer's job easier tenfold especially for when they have to clip your doggo's nails.


Get Your Dog Familiar With the Groomers As a Puppy

Like getting your dog acquainted with other people, you should make sure to take your dog to the groomer at an early age.
Even if you don't think your dog needs a haircut quite yet, you should take your dog in early just to build its relationship to the concept of grooming.
If they don't view it as a scary chore they may come to associate it with getting a treat after it is all over.
A reward for their beautification!
Your groomer will thank you when your dog is calm and collected during its appointment.


Brush Your Dog Regularly

Brushing your dog regularly will help prevent it from getting unwanted knots in its fur.
This will also help your groomer in a big way as they won't have to give your dog as extreme a hair cut as they would if your dog has tangled and matted fur.
Plus, it will make your dog's coat look full and healthy and cut down on all of the excess dog hair in your home!

Know What You Want For Your Visit

Knowing exactly what you want before visiting the groomer will help them form a specific plan of attack when it comes to cleaning your dog.
This will help especially if you have a dog that isn't quite comfortable with visiting the groomer or hanging out with people in general.
So have a game plan before you visit the groomer.
If you only want a clean and a cut, only get that!
It will make your groomer's job easier and your dog will be thankful to only be there for as long as it should be.

Voila! Now You Know 4 Great Tips To Get The Most From Your Visit to the Groomer

By using these 4 great tips, your pupperino will look the most stylish it's ever looked after visiting the groomer.
If you have any more questions about getting the best results from your visit to the groomer, feel free to get in touch with us.
We are here to help!

Alpine Veterinary Hospital


4807 Clayton Rd,
Concord, CA 94521


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm



Alpine Veterinary Hospital for All your Pet’s Veterinary Needs