• Understanding EHV Equine Herpesvirus

    Equine Herpesvirus (EHV-1) is an infection in horses that can cause respiratory disease, abortion in mares, neonatal foal death, and/or neurologic disease. When this infection spreads neurologically, it is referred to as Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy (EHM). This virus is spread through the air,

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  • Preventing Snakebites

    Snakebites are not limited to humans, nor is it limited to any specific region of the world. Taking precautions to minimize the occurrence is first and foremost, but knowing what signs to recognize can keep your horse from developing serious or fatal health concerns from snakebite. Possible Signs of

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  • No Sweat: It's a Problem

    Horses, like humans, sweat to cool themselves in warm weather and during periods of exertion. In hot climates, especially humid ones, failure to sweat often means that they are prone to over-heating and cannot be worked. This condition is called anhidrosis. It is unknown what causes anhidrosis and treatment

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  • How to Keep Your Cat from Getting Fat

    A fat cat may appear happy and provide visitors with a source of amusement, but feline obesity is certainly no laughing matter. Cats who carry excess weight have a heightened risk for diabetes, cancer, liver problems, degenerative joint pain and other conditions that could severely curtail its quality

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  • Is a Feral Cat Right for You?

    In many ways, Tiger Kitty (or TK as he's known for short) isn't your typical feral cat. Unlike his still-wild counterparts who still roam around, homeless and often hungry, he now has a home. When his owners get home at night, he runs out to meet them and rubs against their ankles looking to be patted.

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  • Keep Cats Moving and Grooving

    Keeping your cat active can help it burn calories and use muscles, tendons and ligaments that may often be seen catnapping. Burning calories is important for your cat. The more your cat moves and exercises, the more calories it will expend during the activity. Exercise will help to off-set the naps taken

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  • Litter Box Problems

    One of the most common complaints that cat owners make is that a cat will not use its litter box properly. Usually it is a problem with the cat urinating outside the box, but occasionally a cat will be defecating outside the box, or a cat may not want to use his litter box at all! First the cat should

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  • Lilies are Dangerous to Cats

    A significant source of toxicity for cats that is unknown to many people are lilies. These flowers are beautiful, available in a variety of colors, and common in cut flower arrangements. They are also easy to grow and are found in many gardens. But, they can be very dangerous for cats. The Animal Poison

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


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8:00 am-12:00 pm

