Human Foods Your Dog Can Eat

Human Foods Your Dog Can Eat

Pet owners are finding more and more articles warning about the dangers of feeding their dogs certain human foods. But you love your dog, and want to share some tasty treats with it once in a while. What's a dog owner to do? At Cambie Animal Hospital we don't recommend giving your dog human food on a regular basis because that's usually how you end up with an obese pet, but a healthy treat once in a while won't hurt. Here are some of the best human foods you can give your furry family member.

Apple Slices

Many dogs’ love apple slices, and their healthy crunch is a great way to help clean their teeth, but make sure to cut the slices away from the core. Apple seeds contain arsenic, and even a few can be dangerous, especially for smaller dogs.

Baby Carrots

If you love snacking on baby carrots, toss one or two to your dog to gnaw on. Raw veggies like carrots are especially healthy, because they're low in calories but high in fiber, satisfying that snacking urge without much chance of gaining weight.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter can be a great, healthy snack for dogs, but only if you read the label. Homemade or natural peanut butters are best. If you want to feed your dog regular commercial peanut butter, read the ingredients to make sure it doesn't contain xylitol. This common sweetener, common in many peanut butter recipes, can be deadly for dogs.


Many dogs will do every trick in the book to get a slice or cube of cheese, but watch out for the results. Just like their owners, some dogs are lactose intolerant. If your pet's all right with dairy, adding a dollop of cottage cheese to food is a great way to increase your dog's protein intake.

Cooked Poultry

It's the rare dog that won't drool over freshly cooked chicken or turkey. Make sure the meat is thoroughly cooked, and avoid giving fat, skin, or bones. Also, don't give your dog chicken if it's been cooked with garlic, which can be poisonous for dogs.


Coconut contains a fatty acid that's wonderful for dogs' immune systems. They love its crunchy flavor, and the coconut will help your pet's body to fight off viruses. Just make sure your pet doesn't get any of the hairy outside hull, which are a choking hazard.

Cooked Eggs

Your dog loves morning scrambled eggs just as much as you do. There are very few human foods that are as good for dogs as eggs. They're a nice dish of protein that are easy on your dog's stomach, as long as you avoid too much salt, pepper, or spices while cooking.

For More Information Contact Our Local Veterinarian

Moderation is the key to giving any treats to your dog, if you want to avoid the real problem of obesity. We check all of our patients for weight problems during their regular wellness exams. To schedule an appointment, call our office at (604) 321-6600.

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