All About Shedding: Is My Pet Shedding Too Much?

dog shedding

Does your pet leave piles of hair behind everywhere he or she goes? Although all dogs and cats shed, excessive shedding may be a sign of a health problem or a grooming issue. Fortunately, shedding can be reduced in many cases with medical treatment or a change to your pet's grooming routine.

Why Do Pets Shed?

Your pet's hair, just like your own, goes through a continuous growth cycle. When older hairs fall out, they're replaced by new ones. Seasonal changes can play a role in the amount of hair your pet sheds. In anticipation of the cold weather months, your dog or cat's coat may become thicker. As spring approaches, it's not unusual to shed a little more hair than usual as your pet's body prepares for warmer weather.

Because shedding patterns can vary from pet to pet, it's not necessarily a cause for concern if one of your pets sheds more than another. Changes are only worrisome if they represent a significant change in your cat or dog's usual shedding pattern.

What Causes Excessive Shedding?

Shedding may increase due to any of these factors:

  • Stress. A move to a new home, the introduction or loss of a family member or pet, or even a seemingly minor change in your pet's routine can stress your dog or cat and lead to hair loss. Do you leave the veterinarian's office covered in fur? Sudden shedding isn't uncommon in pets that experience stress or anxiety during veterinary examinations.
  • Allergies. Your furry friend can suffer from allergies, too. Whether your pet is allergic to fleas, food or environmental allergens like pollen, dust mites or mold, you may notice that he or she can't stop scratching or biting his or her skin. You may also notice red pimple-like bumps on the skin or ear discharge, depending on the type of allergy.
  • Parasites. An infestation of mites, fleas or ticks is very uncomfortable. In an attempt to get rid of the parasites and relieve itching, your pet may constantly bite or licks the skin, causing hair loss and sores.
  • Infection. Bacterial, fungal, viral and yeast infections can also cause hair loss, itching and discomfort.
  • Poor Diet. Your pet's shedding may be related to diet. Pet's thrive on a diet high in proteins and nutrients. Unfortunately, not all pet foods are good for your pet. Foods that contain lots of fillers, such as cereal by-products, corn and rice bran, corn starch, citrus pulp and oat hulls, are more likely to cause shedding. The healthiest pet foods list poultry, beef or chicken or other proteins in the first few ingredients on the label. Before you make a change to your pet's diet, talk to the veterinarian. Diets that are popular with people, such as vegetarian or gluten-free diets, may not be the best choices for your pet.
  • Grooming Issues. Did you use your shampoo on your dog after you ran out of pet shampoo? Your shampoo is harsher than products intended for pets and may cause hair loss.
  • Diseases and Conditions. Shedding may be more likely to occur if your pet has Cushing's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid disease or hormonal imbalances.
  • Your Pet's Breed. Some breeds tend to shed more than others, including Maine Coon, Russian Blue, American Shorthair and Persian cats, and German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Akita, Chow Chow and Siberian Husky dogs.

What Can Be Done About Excessive Shedding?

A visit to the veterinarian is a must if you've noticed that your pet is shedding more than usual. Depending on your dog or cat's diagnosis, one or more of these treatments may be recommended:

  • Food Changes
  • Allergy Medication or Shots
  • Flea and Tick Control Medications
  • Topical or Oral Medications to Treat Bacterial, Fungal or Yeast Infections
  • Treatment of Underlying Diseases

Your pet's veterinarian may also offer suggestions that will prevent shedding in the future, such as reducing allergen exposure with regular baths and a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter or stress reduction tips.

Would you like to put an end to your pet's excessive shedding? Schedule an appointment with our office. We'll perform a thorough examination and offer treatments and solutions that will improve your pet's hair loss problem.


PetMD: Is Your Pet’s Excessive Shedding a Sign of Illness?

American Animal Hospital Association: It’s Winter? Why Is My Pet Shedding So Much?

Pet Health Network: Dog Hair Could Shed Light on Cushings Disease in Dogs


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  • "Words can not begin to express our gratitude for the care you had given Hunter over the years. When his time came, he watched for you to come through the door and his tail showed his affection towards you. That was most comforting having you there. Thank you.""
  • ""Thank you so much for taking care of Maggie over the years. Y'all are the best and Dr. Johnson, you are the best vet in the world! God bless you all.""
    ~ J.D.
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  • ""A sincere thank you for taking such good care of Dulce. We are so thrilled that she is back to her normal self. You gave her the support and care she needed in her darkest hours and kept us confident in her recovery.""
  • ""Just to say how much we appreciate all of you. You all are wonderful people. We feel blessed to have our beloved furry children in your care when they need it. Your professional knowledge and your acts of kindness have a beautiful act all it's own. You are a great vet, compassionate and everything good all in one. You are in our daily prayers.""
  • ""Thank you and all of your staff for the excellent care you gave to my wonderful Abbey, who was so much a part of the family. Thank you for all the advice and support you gave to me these last few months. I don't know how I would have gotten through this without your constant support. I will, and I have highly recommended you to family and friends, as I feel you are the best!""
  • ""Thank you for taking care of my kitty, Slingshot. He is feeling better and better. My Paw-Paw said that you took extra special care of him and I really appreciate it. So, thank you again for taking care of my cat.""
    ~T.B. (age 6)
  • ""Dr. Johnson, I don't know why you decided to move here from your home in New Jersey, but I absolutely believe it was so you could help me and Mickey. I know coming to someone's home is not what a typical veterinarian would do, but you are obviously an extraordinary man in a world filled with ordinary men….On top of that, your sensitive and wonderful handwritten note arrived and touched my heart…You are one of those quiet, unheralded champions who make life easier for everyone you touch.""
  • ""Thank you so much for taking care of Lola when she had her reaction, and your office was already closed. I know you took time away from yourself and your family and I really appreciate it.""
  • ""Thank you for giving me more time with my best friend. We are all so grateful.""
  • ""Thank you for all of your support for Maxine during her illness. All was very much appreciated and will always be remembered. I have related to all my friends of what a great doctor and staff at Birdneck Animal Hospital.""
  • ""Thank you for taking such good care of me over the last 4 years. I am doing well and both legs and feet feel great. You sis an awesome job on me Dr. Johnson, and I'm gonna have a great year this year and I hope to see you only for my check up. You guys are the best!""
  • "We can't thank you enough for the wonderful and loving care you gave to"Budkus" while he was in your care. He was so little and so sick and we were so scared for him. Each and every one of the staff members made us feel like we had the only dog in the world. Like nothing else mattered except getting "Budkus" well again. Our deepest gratitude to all of you for the excellent care and attention we received, for your encouragement, comfort, and understanding, and most importantly for saving his life! Thank you so much.""
    ~ J.,B.,C.