Spay and Neuter

Spaying or neutering a cat or dog is an important aspect that every pet owner needs to consider. If you have an unaltered cat or dog, contact All Creatures Animal Hospital in Granbury, TX, to make an appointment with our vet. Here is some information about spaying and neutering to read over so you know how to care for your pet before he or she is spayed or neutered. 

The Benefits of Spaying or Neutering

Most people will spay or neuter their pet so that it is unable to reproduce. This will aid in keeping the population of unwanted puppies or kittens at a minimum. There are other benefits to be obtained with spaying or neutering your pet as well. Many pet owners find that spaying and neutering curbs undesirable behavior like urinating to mark territory and yowling/barking to get the attention of a prospective mate. Male animals will often become less aggressive and will not run away from home. Spaying or neutering will also reduce the chance of your pet developing cancer of the reproductive organs. 

Preparing for Your Pet's Surgery

You will need to bring your cat or dog to our animal clinic before a surgical procedure can be conducted. Our vet will determine whether your pet is healthy enough for the process and will make an appointment for the surgery if they pass the evaluation with favorable results. It is likely your pet will need to refrain from eating or drinking for several hours before their operation as general anesthesia will be used for the procedure.

How to Care for Your Pet After Their Surgery

Your pet will need to remain as comfortable as possible at your home so that they can recuperate from the surgery. Your pet may not be hungry or thirsty for several hours, but they will regain their appetite as the anesthesia wears off. Check on your pet's incision for bleeding or any discharge often. If your pet does not seem to be healing properly, contact our office to make an appointment with our vet for an evaluation. 

Schedule an Appointment with Our Veterinarian in Granbury, TX

Contact All Creatures Animal Hospital today at (817) 326-6262 for more information on spay and neuter surgery or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian.