Why Does My Dog Need Anesthesia for a Teeth Cleaning?

When your dog needs to have a teeth cleaning, it can be important that they get anesthesia to keep them asleep during the procedure. There are many reasons why this may be necessary during a dog oral exam and cleaning. Dog teeth cleaning is involved and may require anesthesia for safety and for the vet to be more effective. If you need to see a veterinarian for a dog teeth cleaning, call our animal hospital in Granbury, TX, to make the appointment. We at All Creatures Animal Hospital are here to help.

Anesthesia in Dentistry

The standard of care for a dog teeth cleaning is to keep the pet under anesthesia throughout the procedure. Just like humans, dogs occasionally need a teeth cleaning, but going through it could be upsetting for the dog if anesthesia were not used. If your dog gets a dog oral exam and a vet on our team says that he needs a teeth cleaning, we may tell you that the dog will need to be under anesthesia for it. This will keep your dog calm and comfortable throughout and will avoid frightening the pet and potentially having them lash out at the veterinarian. Anesthesia is highly safe for healthy pets.

An Effective Dog Oral Cleaning

If the pet didn't have anesthesia, it might not be possible to clean under the gumline. An effective dental cleaning may require the veterinarian to clean under the gumline to get rid of plaque and tartar. There may also be other procedures that the dog needs, such as the removal of one or more infected teeth. This makes it important to keep the dog under anesthesia to avoid any pain. During a teeth cleaning, a vet on our team will perform a full dog oral exam, and anesthesia might also be needed for this part of the procedure. It allows a veterinarian on our team to look at all of the parts of your dog's oral cavity. Anesthesia can also keeps pets still during the procedure.

Visit Our Animal Hospital

When your dog needs a teeth cleaning, call our animal hospital in Granbury, TX, to set up his appointment. We at All Creatures Animal Hospital are here to help. Call us at (817) 326-6262 for more information.