New information on Lyme and Leptospirosis Disease

Some new knowledge just came to us via an evening lecture by the chief of the Animal Medical Centre in New York. Dr. Goldstein specializes in the infectious diseases of Lyme and Leptospirosis. I always thought Lepto was characterized by kidney and / or liver disease, but he mentioned it often presents as vomiting and diarrhea! Good grief, how many dogs come in like that? We've seen so many on a regular basis! Also, quite a few " town dogs" that never go in the fields and puddles get it courtsey of racoon and rats in town. So.... vaccinate! 

Again, kitties dodge this one. Lately we're seeing respiratory disease in our feline patients ( human owners too!) Keeping smoke and dust down, vaccinating and preventing fleas from aggravating the immune system helps stops the asthmatic reactions.