The Importance of Pet Dental Care

Veterinarian brushing dogs teeth

The Importance of Pet Dental Care at All Pets Dental Care & Oral Surgery of Mt. Pocono, PA

The condition of your pet’s teeth plays an important part in their overall health. For this reason, regular pet dental care is necessary to keep your pet healthy and happy. At All Pets Dental Care and Oral Surgery in Mt. Pocono, PA, we can help you take care of your pet’s teeth and provide recommendations for overall care.

Common Dental Conditions

When most pet owners think of dental disease they think of stained teeth and bad breath. While this is partially true, dental disease can describe a wide range of conditions. Your veterinarian can screen for many possible issues including:

  • Periodontal disease
  • Plaque
  • Tartar
  • Tooth abscesses
  • Loose teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Gum inflammation or gingivitis

Facts About Dental Disease

Without regular pet teeth cleaning, your pet can suffer from a range of issues. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, over 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show some sign of dental disease by the age of three. If left untreated, this can lead to other health problems like heart, lung, and kidney disease.

Symptoms of Dental Problems

If your pet suffers from a dental disease, they may display one or more of the following symptoms.

  • Bad breath
  • Salivating excessively
  • Lethargy
  • Poor grooming habits
  • Dropping food from the mouth while eating
  • Facial swelling
  • Eye discharge
  • Loose teeth

Types of Pet Dental Treatments

Pet oral surgery is often required in bad cases of poor dental hygiene, but before it gets that bad, there are a few other things you vet can do. Regular pet teeth cleaning is recommended annual starting at age one. Performed under general anesthesia, cleanings and oral exams keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy. At home, your dentist will likely recommend feeding dry dental diets or dental chews and regular brushing with products approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council.

Contact All Pets Dental & Oral Surgery in Mt. Pocono, PA Today and Schedule an Appointment!

For answers concerning your pet’s dental care, contact All Pets Dental Care and Oral Surgery in Mt. Pocono at (570) 839-1922.

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