
Services at All Pets Dental Care and Oral Surgery

If you love your pet as much as we know you do, you would hope that he can receive the same kinds of high-quality care as anyone else in your family. Here at All Pets Dental Care and Oral Surgery, we aim to achieve that goal for every patient we see. That's why we provide such services as:

Dog holding a toothbrush

  • Pet Teeth Cleaning - There's no substitute for pet teeth cleaning under general anesthesia. Our ability to get rid of tartar above and below the gum line deters the bacteria that might otherwise trigger painful, damaging periodontal disease. 
  • Endodontics - A broken, dead, or infected tooth may need endodontic treatment, the best-known form of which is root canal therapy. We can clean out the pulp chamber, replace it with a sterile substance, and place a strong, tooth-colored protective crown over it.
  • Periodontics - If periodontal disease has already afflicted your pet, our periodontic treatment can help. In addition to tooth planing and scaling, we can remove diseased gum tissue, reduce the size of periodontal pockets, and administer other treatments to help prevent tooth loss.
  • Exodontics - Exodontics is the extraction of one or more teeth. Teeth must sometimes be extracted if they crowd other teeth, have become damaged beyond all repairs, or harbor dangerous infections. 
  • Restorations and Crowns - Our pet dentist, Dr. Valese, can administer restorative procedures to make cracked or broken teeth good as new. For example, we can attach a permanent crown to strengthen a weak tooth or keep bacteria out of a hole or break in the tooth.
  • Oral Surgery - We treat more than teeth and gums at our Mt Pocono, PA clinic. Our range of oral surgery options includes removal of oral masses , biopsy of oral tumors, jaw fracture or palatal defect repair, and other procedures that can improve oral function and health.
  • Orthodontics - Misaligned teeth in dogs and cats don't just look odd -- they can also cause considerable pain and interfere with chewing. We can perform orthodontic treatment to straighten these alignment errors.
  • Pocket Pet Dental Care - Our pet dental care applies to pocket pets, too! We can treat rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and other pets beyond the realm of dogs and cats.
  • Referral Documentation - We can provide all the necessary medical documentation to veterinarians and referring specialists.

Call Your Pet Dental Care Experts

Come to the experts for high-quality dental care. Call All Pets Dental Care and Oral Surgery at 570- 839-1922!

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8:00 am-4:00 pm


8:00 am-7:00 pm




8:00 am-4:00 pm


8:00 am-4:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

