Well Care

Open up and say Ahhhh....

It all starts with a good history and thorough physical examination.  We take the time to listen, touch, observe and discuss.  This is absolutely the heart of what we do every day.  This is how we get to know you, your pet and identify how we may best serve your needs.  There is simply no substitute for this integral part of your pet's care.

What is a well exam?

During a well exam we'll get a weight, temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate then systematically examine every organ system.  This includes checking the ears, eyes, nose, mouth, throat, lymph nodes, listening to the heart and lungs, assessing your pet's body condition, palpate the abdomen, check the joints, feet, nails, and hair coat.  More items may be checked depending on your pet's species, age, gender, reproductive status, and lifestyle.  During these visits we may discuss immunizations, screening lab tests, nutrition, behavior, environmental issues, joint health and so much more.  You will find our style is open, easy, and informative. 

How often should I schedule a well exam?

Well exams should be scheduled at least once yearly, but every 6 months is recommended.  Why?  Our pets age so much faster than we do and a lot can change in 12 months.  Our mission is to keep your pet healthy and twice yearly exams are the best tool we have to accomplish this goal.

Today, more than 6.5 million pets are enrolled with HomeAgain. So far, HomeAgain has reunited more than 1,000,000 lost pets with their owners.

Well Care Services

Physical examinations

Dental examinations

Vaccines / Immunizations / Shots

Fecal parasite testing

Heartworm blood testing

Early detection / Preventive health / Senior screen lab work

Microchip implantation (HomeAgain)

Nutrition Counseling

Behavioral Counseling

Health certificates / Travel certificates


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am - 5:30 pm


8:00 am - 5:30 pm




8:00 am - 5:30 pm


8:00 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:30 pm



Contact Us

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