• Dogs Going Green

    Green Do's & Don'ts Do use all-natural yarn when knitting your doggie a sweater. Do frequent your nearby dog park for a free afternoon of outdoor fun. Don't forget to bring along your recyclable, eco-friendly doggie waste bags. Don't think

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  • Dogs and Kids

    The image of your child and dog as inseparable, best friends is a great one that we'd all love to be reality. With the right awareness, our children and pets CAN have the wonderful relationships we hope for. Here are some tips that all families with children and dogs will want to know.

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  • Family Friends Aren't Always Furry - Think of Feathery Friends!

    Transitioning a Bird into Your Home When including a bird of any size and species in your household, take time before the transition to prepare. Use these tips to welcome your new bird and create a happy experience for your family. Choose housing with bars or slats that are only half the width

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  • Ferrets Can Be Furry Family Too

    Fragile Ferrets Entertain Families and Friends Your new family pet will provide you with entertainment and laughs as he or she climbs and crawls through tubes, hoses, boxes, clothing and pipes. Keeping your ferret safe and secure in your home is easy with a bit of advanced planning. Create or

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  • From Dalmations to Siberian Huskies: How the Big (and Little) Screen Influences Pet Fads

    Should you adopt the same type of pet as your favorite TV or movie character?

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  • How to Tell A Pet's Age from Its Teeth

    How old is your pet? Taking a look at your furry friend's mouth can provide some clues.

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  • How to Treat Common Injuries in Your Dog

    Would you know what to do if your dog was injured?

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  • Internet Reunites Lost Pets and Owners

    Everyone loves the amazing stories of dogs and cats who travel long distances to find their way back home or even locate their owners in a new city. Unfortunately, these happy tales are the rare exception to the rule. For every pet that makes it back after leaving, there are tens of thousands who

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  • Introducing Your First

    Pets aren't the only ones who need a little (or a lot) of help adjusting to life with a newborn. No matter how much you plan ahead, the addition of a new family member may be difficult for your pet. Remember, your dog or cat was your first "baby" and is used to being the center of your attention. So

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  • Introducing a New Pet to Your Current Ones

    Are you considering adding another furry companion to your family? If so, have you thought about how your new pet will interact with your current ones? Introducing a new pet into the family is always exciting, but it’s important to make sure that the pets you already have are prepared for the new addition.

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  • Living with a Handicapped Pet

    Strokes, vision problems, arthritis and other conditions don't just affect people. Pets also develop serious health problems that change their lives. Fortunately, you can help your handicapped pet enjoy a comfortable, happy life by making a few modifications to your home. Make Your Home Accessible Many

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  • Managing Pet Allergies in Kids

    Are you concerned that your child's allergies may mean that you will have to give up your pet? Although rehoming a pet may be necessary if allergies are severe, most children can live with pets if you are willing to make a few changes. The Problem About three in 10 people who have allergies are allergic

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  • Microchipping Your Pet

    Each year, nearly 8 million animals end up in local shelters. Of those 8 million pets, data shows that less than 20 percent of lost dogs and less than 2 percent of missing cats are ever returned to their original owners. Thankfully, there are some useful tools available to help pet owners who have lost

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  • Multiple Pets Benefit Families

    Just like humans, furry family members need to have company, playmates and social interactions to be happy. Sometimes it's hard to remember that our family pets are animals first and family second. We typically look at the benefits of pets in homes from the standpoint of work and expense involved.

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  • Nail Trimming Do's and Don'ts

    Is pet nail trimming a hectic experience at your house? These tips can make the process a little easier.

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  • New Pet? 7 Questions to Ask Your Family Veterinarian

    Your new family member may be furry with whiskers and a tail, or have scales, hooves or even wings. If you're the proud new owner of a new pet, chances are you'll have best results integrating your new pet into your family when you include a veterinarian on your team. "Having a new pet isn't like having

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