
1330 Main St.

North Vancouver, BC V7J1C3 Canada

1330 Main St.

North Vancouver, BC V7J1C3 Canada


  • Could Those Sniffles Be a Symptom of the Feline Flu?

    Can you spot the signs of feline flu?

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  • How to Help Your Cat Get More Exercise

    When's the last time your cat worked out? Daily exercise can help keep your furry friend healthy.

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  • 9 Reasons Your Cat May Be Losing Weight

    Does your cat look thinner than usual? One of these nine reasons may explain why your cat is losing weight.

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  • The Canine Genome and DNA Testing

    Have you ever looked at your adopted dog with its short legs, shaggy hair and brown spot encircling one eye, and wondered what dog breeds are in there? Now that science has decoded the DNA of dogs, science can tell us many things. Harvard and MIT programs unraveled the canine DNA sequence in 2006, which

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  • What to Do If Your Pet Eats Grass

    Wondering what to do if your pet eats grass? Take a look at a few ideas.

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  • Euthanasia: Saying Goodbye

    It's not easy to say goodbye to cherished pets, even those that have lived long, happy lives. Although you may hate the thought of life without your pet, euthanasia can be the kindest decision you can make when your friend is suffering. Making the Decision If your pet has been seriously injured in a

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  • How to Celebrate Your Pet During National Pet Month

    Don't have any plans for National Pet Month? Try a few of these ideas.

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  • Managing Pet Allergies in Kids

    Are you concerned that your child's allergies may mean that you will have to give up your pet? Although rehoming a pet may be necessary if allergies are severe, most children can live with pets if you are willing to make a few changes. The Problem About three in 10 people who have allergies are allergic

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  • How to Tell A Pet's Age from Its Teeth

    How old is your pet? Taking a look at your furry friend's mouth can provide some clues.

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  • Breed Specific Rescue Groups

    Many dog owners admire the unique looks and personalities of purebreds, but also worry about the fate of millions of pets euthanized each year. What many people don't realize is that there are specific breed rescue organizations for almost every breed of dog, placing dogs in need to new homes. Dogs aren't

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  • Fish

    If you’re thinking of getting a pet fish, you should know that your veterinarian has a lot of good advice about pet ownership. Fish can be very rewarding as pets, and you just may be surprised about how much fish actually interact with their owners. Here’s more valuable information about choosing

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  • Caring for Senior Cats

    Thanks to advancements in veterinary care, today’s cats can live well into their teen years. It is not uncommon for cats to live to be 18 or even older. However, in order for cats to live a long full life, they need proactive veterinary care to stay healthy. As cats age, they are at greater risk for

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  • Feline Stomatitis: Treatments

    Cats rarely display their pain, but cats with feline stomatitis are often the exception. If your cat appears to have mouth pain, is reluctant to eat, doesn't want to groom, is drooling, and doesn't want you to open its mouth, it may be suffering from this debilitating, degenerative oral condition, and

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  • Feline Leukemia Virus: What You Need to Know

    Feline leukemia (FeLV) is a virus that weakens your cat's immune system. Unfortunately, when the immune system does not function properly, your cat may be more likely to develop other diseases, such as cancer and blood disorders. How Cats Contract Feline Leukemia Cats get feline leukemia from other cats.

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  • Family Cats and Pregnant Women: Take Measures to Prevent Toxoplasmosis Infection

    Nothing must spoil the joys of becoming a new parent. Not even your pets. But family cats with normal, every day habits can pose a risk to expectant women. Women's immune systems can be disturbed by a parasite carried in fecal matter. If you're the primary caretaker of your family's feline friend it

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  • Create an Environment Your Cat Will Love

    The Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery confirms that feline emotional wellbeing, behavior and physical health are a result of how comfortable they are in their environment. Understanding how our cats interact with their environment can help us create a space for owners and cats to mutually thrive

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