Pet Dental Care FAQs

You want the best care for your furry friend. That’s why you choose Rathburn Animal Clinic in Etobicoke, ON, your trusted animal hospital near you. We know you have questions about pet dental care, so we’ve compiled some frequently asked questions. Read on for answers to all your pet teeth cleaning and exam curiosities.

pet dental faqs

Why Does My Pet Need Dental Care?

Just like people, pets can develop plaque, tartar, and gum disease. Bacteria in the mouth also affects internal organs. Poor dental health is painful and can lead to tooth loss or worse. Bring your pet to Rathburn Animal Clinic for regular dental cleanings to prevent problems.

Our veterinarians perform a thorough oral exam looking for signs of disease. Pets need dental care to remove plaque and tartar, polish teeth, and treat any issues. Your pet’s dental health impacts their comfort and lifespan.

What Does Pet Teeth Cleaning Involve?

Pet dental cleanings and exams happen without any fuss at our pet clinic Etobicoke, ON location. We use anesthesia to keep your pet comfortable and safe. The veterinary team scales teeth to remove tartar then polishes to smooth surfaces. Fluoride treatments can strengthen enamel. Any diseased or damaged teeth are treated as needed.

The process is painless for your pet. Afterward, their breath will smell fresh and their mouth will feel so much better. Regular dental care prevents disease, eliminating the need for extractions down the road.

What Happens during a Pet Exam?

A pet exam allows our vet clinic to assess your pet’s overall health including their dental condition. We’ll check their vitals, coat, skin, ears, eyes, and more. Your pet’s teeth are examined for signs of plaque, tartar, gum recession, fractures, discoloration, and abnormal wear. Letting us identify problems early is key.

How Often Do Pets Need Dental Cleanings?

Most pets need professional dental cleanings once a year. However, some pets are more prone to dental disease and require cleanings every 6 to 8 months. Schedule an oral exam today so we can evaluate your pet’s unique needs and make recommendations.

Get Pet Dental Care, Pet Teeth Cleaning, a Pet Exam, and Pet Clinic Services from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Hospital Near You

Trust us at Rathburn Animal Clinic in Etobicoke, ON, to keep your pet happy and healthy at every stage of life. Call us today to schedule a dental exam or cleaning. We can’t wait to see your furry friend! Call us at (416) 622-8818 for pet dental care, pet teeth cleaning, a pet exam, and pet clinic services from a veterinarian near you at our animal hospital near you.

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8:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 3:00 pm




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