• Staph Infections & Your Pet

    You may have heard of MRSA infections in people discussed in the media in this last year. Otherwise known as Staph or Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, this type of bacteria is resistant to most antibiotics. People infected with this dangerous bacteria can become quite ill or even die if an

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  • Quick Facts About Cancer

    Family pets are often described as our "best friends" and news that they are sick can be devastating. Cancer is a disease that can affect family pets like dogs and cats. Through the years, research has developed many cures and treatments for use in improving or sustaining the health of pets that present

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  • Pets Can Show Warning Signs Before Cancer Diagnosis

    Warning signs can be present in your family pet before the veterinarian makes an actual diagnosis. You'll want to be alert and watch for warning signs as preventative measures, and at the same time provide your pet with the best nutrition, exercise program and lifestyle possible for his or her activity

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  • Pet Vomit - You Just Received a Message!

    Animals may vomit when something irritates, inflames or causes an infection in their intestinal tract. The location of the irritation, inflammation or infection may also determine the color of your pet's vomit and the reason for the upchucking. Many things can irritate, inflame or infect an animal's

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  • Managing Your Pet's Diabetes

    "Heart conditions can be inherited in dogs as they are in people. Dogs can also be victims of cancer, tick-borne diseases, autoimmune conditions, arthritis, liver, or kidney disease, thyroid disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and even diabetes," indicates Norma Bennett Woolf, editor of Dog Owner's Guide:

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  • Nothing Heartwarming about Heartworm

    Heartworm is a long, string-like parasitic worm that has the scientific name Dirofilaria immitis. It earns its common name by living in the host’s heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Heartworm can cause severe lung disease, heart failure, organ damage, and death. It is transmitted only through mosquitoes

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  • Matters of the Heart

    Many diseases of people also occur in pets. A problem that is common in people, dogs, and cats is heart disease. While these disorders have some things in common, many ailments of the heart in pets are completely different than what occurs in people. Recent surveys have shown that 11% of all dogs have

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  • Lyme Disease & Your Pets

    How to Prev­ent and Remove Ticks Lyme disease is a top concern for dog owners who enjoy walking with their dog in grassy and wooded areas. Transmitted by deer ticks, Lyme disease can result in fever, joint lameness, fatigue, and general discomfort for your pet. While treatment is available, Lyme disease

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  • Wow! Thanks to all the staff at Anderson Vet Clinic. I feel like you all truly love what you do! My kitty, Lola and I always have such a pleasant experience when we come in. I would not leave Lola in anyone else’s hands but yours!

    - Maya Smith / Los Angeles, CA
  • I have benefited tremendously from the care my pet received from Dr. Anderson. I cannot thank him and his team enough for the treatment we received when my puppy suddenly became ill.

    - John Doe / San Diego, CA
  • Fabio wasn’t eating the food I was giving him. Thanks to Dr. Anderson, he evaluated Fabio and his current diet to make some recommendations. You clearly are an expert in your field...thanks so much!

    - Tara Brown / Kansas City, MO

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