Norman's Tale: Why the Veterinarian Relationship Matters

Norman has an unusual cat-life.  He gets to travel with his humans while they deliver goods as long-haul tractor-trailer operators.  On a recent excursion, Norman discovered the value of his veterinarian relationship with Dr. Barb Karner at Muddy Creek Animal Clinic.  Due to a freak bit of misadventure, Norman injured his leg while on the road.  His owner called the clinic, anxious to find help and frantic over the challenges of time-sensitive delivery deadlines.  Who hasn’t experienced the frustration of trying to locate help on a cellphone while far from home?  Small screens and unforeseen details can turn a simple quest into hours of searching and fruitless calling.  Adding another layer of challenge – such as the Covid19 virus and all of its business limitations – the search for help can become overwhelming.  Thankfully, Norman’s owners had a well-established relationship with their local veterinarian.  One call to Muddy Creek Animal Clinic resulted in the help needed to locate a convenient clinic along the travel route that would be open, available and accepting of Norman’s situation.  Phone calls were made, medical records were transferred, and Norman received necessary, emergency care while ‘on-the-road’.  We are happy to report that Norman is doing well and healing.  Emergencies are just one way pet owners benefit from a local veterinary relationship.  When your pet gets a yearly exam, this permits the veterinarian to prescribe and refill medications for the following 12 months.

At Muddy Creek Animal Clinic, we are committed to our clients and their pet’s health.  We value our patient/client relationships, and love providing excellent pet healthcare to our community.

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1:00 pm-7:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

1:00 pm-4:00 pm


By Appt.



