
(518) 869-5779

Saratoga Springs

(518) 869-5779

Should you microchip your cat?

We think so!

Here’s a story that has a beautiful ending, thanks to a teeny microchip.

A family from Maine went camping near Saratoga last September and their cat went missing during the trip. Understandably, they were devastated and missed their beloved pet.

We didn’t know this family (after all, they lived in Maine!) and were unaware of their missing cat. But one day—several weeks later—someone came to the Saratoga Just Cats clinic with a cat they’d found living outside near their home. The Just Cats staff was able to scan the cat’s microchip and locate its owners. 

Just Cats had the opportunity to make a very special phone call to the family to tell them that their cat was safe and healthy. The family made the drive from Maine to Saratoga the following day to pick up their cat, and we were so happy to be part of the joyous reunion. 

This story’s happy ending for the cat and its family was only possible because it was microchipped. The chip allowed us to identify the cat and had contact information for the family. If that hadn’t been the case, it might not have had such an ideal result. 

What is a microchip?

When a shelter, veterinary office, or sometimes animal control or a police department scans a pet with a microchip, the technology searches an extensive database to find the owner’s contact information. 

A microchip is no bigger than a grain of rice. It’s implanted underneath a cat’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades. It acts like a barcode for your cat. Each microchip contains identifying information that appears on a reader device when scanned. It’s different from a GPS because it doesn’t follow your cat’s location if it gets lost. Rather, it helps to identify your pet and link them back to you.

Inserting a microchip does not require anesthesia and can be done at a regular veterinary office visit. You only need to have the procedure performed once, and then your cat is microchipped for life!

Is a microchip better than a collar or tag? 

A collar or tag can be snagged on a tree branch or other shrubbery or could somehow slip off when your cat ventures into the outside world. Once that collar goes missing, a cat without a microchip can’t be identified. 

Likewise, if you have an indoor cat who doesn’t wear a collar and the cat accidentally gets out of the house, then they have no identification at all.

Once your cat is collarless, they can be mistaken for a stray or taken in by a well-meaning person who has no means to contact you. 

However, if your cat is microchipped, the collar is not the only way to identify them. A well-intended person who finds your cat can bring them to a shelter or vet in order to scan the chip and have the cat returned home. 

What if you find a stray or lost cat?

If you find a stray or lost cat, you can bring it to us at Just Cats—or to any veterinary clinic or shelter—and ask for it to be scanned for a chip. You can call your local police department to find out if they have a scanning device, too. You could be the person who helps to return a pet home to the family that loves them!

Does Just Cats offer microchip services? 

We sure do!

We can microchip your cat at any time. You can request a microchip at your next exam. We can also microchip your cat during their spay or neuter procedure. 

A microchip is implanted by a needle and most cats tolerate it very well. There is little to no pain or risk. After we implant the chip, we’ll scan it to ensure it’s working correctly. We can also help you to register your information online with the microchip database. If you have questions about having your cat microchipped, contact us any time!


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