Unbelievable Pets

  • Assistance Dogs Offer Many Benefits

    Assistance dogs are not just for blind or visually impaired people. Today, these dogs help people with a range of conditions enjoy full lives. Guide Dogs Guide dogs, also known as Seeing Eye dogs, help blind and visually impaired people live independent lives. These dogs "see" for their owners and

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  • Can Pets Sense Pregnancy?

    Your pets probably don't understand that in nine months a new baby will be joining your family, but dogs and cats do detect differences in mood, posture, behavior, and body chemistry that clue them that an enormous change is happening. Your dog or cat will pick up other signs, too: Our four legged

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  • New Uses for Animal DNA

    Advances in science have enabled the decoding of several animals' DNA. Knowing the genome of a species has enabled medical professionals to detect some diseases that have a genetic basis. But it also has other uses, even in the criminal justice system. The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory Forensic Unit

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  • White House Pets

    A surprising issue that has arisen in the American political arena is not foreign policy, but rather which breed of dog the Obama's chose to join their family in the White House. Barack Obama has announced that his family narrowed their breed choices to a Labradoodle, a mix between a Labrador retriever

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  • The Incredible Sense of Smell in the Dog

    There are many ways in which people and dogs are similar, but an area in which dogs are much superior is in their olfactory ability, or their sense of smell. Dogs can smell 100,000 times better than humans. In tests, dogs have been able to detect a chemical in a solution diluted to 1 to 2 parts per trillion.

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5550 Morehouse Rd.,
San Diego, CA 92121



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