Laser Therapy

Did you know that HVH is now offering Laser Therapy?

It’s true! This cutting edge technology is now available as a drug free option for your pet’s comfort. The laser uses red and infrared wavelengths to create therapeutic effects by stimulating healing on a cellular level. It can be used to treat both acute and chronic impairments including (but not limited to): soft tissue injury, tendon/ligament injury, muscle strains or tears, sore muscles/joints, wound/surgery healing, degenerative joint conditions, neurogenic pain, stifle disorders, generalized pain/inflammation, upper respiratory ailments, and dental conditions.

So how does it work? This pain-free treatment increases circulation by drawing oxygen and nutrients to the affected areas creating an optimal healing environment. This increased metabolic activity then increases the cellular energy which leads to a cascade of healing accelerating events. There are no medications or sedatives required, no force or major restraint necessary, and the experience is usually pretty pleasant for them as the laser is warm.

What is the treatment plan like? Treatment options are fully customized to your pet’s needs so that you are guaranteed the best possible results. Most laser therapy sessions last anywhere from 1-8minutes. The frequency of therapy sessions varies based on the patient’s condition. Acute issues may be treated daily, whereas chronic issues often will start with a regiment of 2-3 session per week at first which will then taper down to a once a week treatment.

Laser therapy can be used on its own or in conjuncture with other forms of treatments. Because laser therapy creates an increased healing environment it is highly complimentary to medications, surgery, physical therapy, chiropractic work, massage, and acupuncture/ acupressure. And it’s effectiveness has been proven time and time again with a multitude of published studies and clinical trials. Each treatment is cumulative and results are appreciated after only a few sessions.

Call today to see is laser therapy is right for your pet!

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Hebron Veterinary Hospital


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