Exclusive Offer: Receive A New Patient Exam for $43

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What to Expect

puppy1.pngIn your search for a veterinary facility, we believe you should expect high quality care as well as great service. Our goal has been to assemble a veterinary health care team committed to providing exceptional client service and veterinary health care. Our commitment to you is to continue to offer our world class service and a state of the art veterinary facility.

Your pet's annual vet check-up will include a total physical exam, with a thorough investigation of your pet's body from tip to tail, It's a good idea to keep an accurate medical diary not only of the procedures and vaccinations your pet receives at the vet, but also of notes on things like your pet's elimination habits and any physical changes or unusual occurrences. Keep track of small shifts in your pet's behavior, including urinary marking habits and mood swings, along with diet and routine modifications. Take this notebook when you visit the vet. These seemingly unrelated occurrences may help explain results of your pet's medical tests. Also, if you need to change vets, it's good to have this journal to provide a complete medical history.

Bring a fresh fecal sample from your pet, even if your pet is on monthly prevention, at least one yearly routine check is recommended.

After the initial exam, our Veterinarian will make recommendations for your pet and an estimate will be provided prior to performing any treatment.

In some cases a referral to a specialist may be suggested, a veterinarian who have completed advanced studies in specialties such as internal medicine, surgery, and emergency care, and cancer care if your pet must undergo a procedure that requires more precise knowledge and experience.