How Laser Therapy Can Aid in Pain Management for Aging Pets

Age comes for everyone and everything, including our beloved pets. It’s a sad fact that owners will watch their pets age much more rapidly than they themselves will due to the tragically short lives cats and dogs have. Some of the health challenges that commonly plague both cats and dogs as they hit their golden years include arthritis, joint stiffness and other painful physical conditions. The good news is that treatments at an animal hospital near you can offer new ways to offer pain relief for pets. One such treatment is laser therapy and we are proud to offer it at our Westminster, CA, veterinarian office and pet clinic. Call us at Amigo Animal Hospital for more information about our pet rehabilitation services at our animal wellness center.

Animal Pain Management, Pet Rehabilitation Services, Pain Relief for Pets, and Pet Injury Rehabilitation with Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a type of therapy an animal wellness center will offer that utilizes a therapeutic laser. This laser is built to emit light energy that is capable of penetrating through your pet's fur and down beneath their skin. This light energy safely reaches down into the tissues of your pet and works to increase circulation, potentially helping your pet’s injured tissue get the nutrients they need to heal.

2 Ways Laser Therapy Might Work for Pet Pain Relief and Healing

Here are a few ways that laser therapy may help your pet get relief:

•             Laser therapy works to reduce inflammation in joints and tissues. This might help to stop the swelling that can cause much pain in senior pets and pets who have injured themselves by physical activity or physical trauma.

•             Laser therapy works to promote healing by increasing circulation. If your pet was injured such as in an animal fight or accident, laser therapy may help to expedite the healing of their tissues and get them back on their four paws faster and with less pain by helping their cells get the nutrients they need.

Get Pet Clinic Services, Pet Injury Rehabilitation, and Pet Pain Relief Treatment form a Vet Near You at Our Animal Hospital Near You

Have more questions about laser therapy? Our friendly veterinary team is here to answer them. Contact us today to learn more and to schedule your pet's appointment. Call us at (714) 894-5558 for pet clinic services, pet injury rehabilitation, and pet pain relief treatment from a vet near you at our animal hospital near you. A veterinarian on our veterinary team at Amigo Animal Hospital in Westminster, CA, is here to help with animal pain management.

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13951 Milan St. Westminster, CA 92683

Phone: (714) 894-5558

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Amigo Animal Hospital


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