Emergency Preparedness

Amigo Animal Hospital


13951 Milan St. Westminster Ca 92683


“Attention—All residents are required to evacuate.” 

Not something you expect but this is something that may happen.  The first thing we think about is our loved ones.  How will we keep them safe?  We need to be prepared for everyone and that includes our furry family members.  In this article we will help you to help our four-legged family during an emergency.   

First step is to get a Bug Out bag for each species of pet that you have.  This will keep all your things together. This should be a backpack or nylon string close bag.  It should be medium size.  Plan to put your bug out bag in a safe place.  Usually, the car trunk or near the front door of the house is accessible during the beginning of an emergency.   

Next step is to think about how you will restrain your pet.  I recommend travel pet carriers for cats.  One for each, or they will soon be squabbling with each other.  If you have more than two cats get a larger carrier on wheels.  We recommend finding a used child’s wagon or other type cart to load the carriers onto.  For dogs we will need leashes for large dogs and travel pet carriers (like cats) for dogs under 10 pounds.  Slip leashes are ideal leashes for bigger dogs who can often slip out of their cloth collars.  (Now we would have two emergencies).  We need at least two for each dog so if we need to tie the leash to something we have plenty of length.   Anywhere that has a crowd of people is going to require you restrain your buddy.   

The 3rd step is to have medical supplies for a possible injury.   
The most important first aid item for animals is an appropriately sized e-collar.  An animal will make any injury worse by biting and licking at it.  Try to find one that has loops at the bottom to put through a collar or string.  The e-collars at the veterinarian are the most reliable.  You will also need roll gauze.  This is used for wrapping wounds and for creating a muzzle for dogs.  Any dog that is painful enough will bite you while you are helping them.  It is important that we don’t create more injuries.   We will also need gauze pads and antibiotic ointment to put on skin injuries.    

You will also want to include any prescription medications.  Ask your veterinarian for an extra 2 weeks of any ongoing medications your pet is on.  We would also recommend getting some sedation to put in this bag.  We all are going to be pretty shaken up by this event and something to calm your friend will be helpful.  Evacuation centers are going to be much better about allowing a calm animal than one vocalizing and worrying/pacing.   

Of course, we can’t forget about food and water.  Like us, pets can go much longer without food than water.  But unlike us they can’t drink out of a water bottle.  Collapsable water bowls are ideal for the Bug Out bag because they don’t take up much space.   Your pal will also need food.  Taking a food your pet is comfortable eating will help to decrease an already stressful situation.  Make sure if you are taking dry food that the bag is sealed or when you need it, it may have bugs.  If you are bringing canned food that needs a can opener, buy an extra one to keep in the bag.  

So, to recap, we need to be prepared to help our pets through an emergency.  We will need 1) a bag to collect our items needed.  

2) something to restrain our friends while we are waiting for the emergency to clear,  

3) first aid supplies including an e-collar and gauze to make a muzzle if necessary. Don’t forget medications that your pet is currently on, and some sedatives if needed.      

4) familiar food and water bowl. 

So be prepared.  You never know if you will end up sitting on a cot in a high school gym, in a fire station lobby or staying in a tent for a time.  But the one thing you do know is that you want your best friend by your side.   

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you


13951 Milan St. Westminster, CA 92683

Phone: (714) 894-5558

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Amigo Animal Hospital


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm




8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

