
Viewing 49 - 64 out of 92 posts


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Questions about the squirm? Why you should deworm!

Deworming is a topic we have blogged in the past about, however with the current media attention that tapeworms have been getting, we thought it would be a great idea Read More

Senior Cat Wellness

It is true that age itself is not a disease, but there are certainly some health changes that occur in senior cats, just as we experience changes in ourselves.  Sleeping Read More

Reminder about Rabies!

Rabies is one of those diseases that many people have heard of but often don't think about as being a significant threat to themselves or their pets and livestock here Read More

Beaches & Boating

Summer is so short in Saskatchewan, so when the weather is beautiful there's often no better place to be than the lake enjoying the beach and boating...and who better to squeeze Read More

Beware of Foxtail!

If you have taken a walk around your neighborhood or to the dog park, chances are you have seen foxtail.  Many people aren't aware of the potential pitfalls of this Read More

Thunder Nananananana!

While most of us look forward to the warm summer weather and being able to enjoy more activities outside, there are unfortunately some parts of this season that many pets aren't Read More

The Gem Show...Crystals & Stones!

Urinary issues are a common concern that our veterinarians see patients for here in Regina.  While inappropriate urination can stem from many different causes, one of those causes can be due to Read More

Integrative Veterinary Medicine

In today's global health scenario, we are facing some serious issues both in human and veterinary medicine; antibiotic resistance, addiction problems with pain medication prescriptions, and a high proportion of obesity in Read More


It seems we jumped from winter to almost summer here in Regina, and with the sunny weather we know that the ticks have emerged and sadly the next pests on the Read More

Seeing Red?

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, and certainly in veterinary medicine, the eyes of our patients can tell us a lot about their systemic health!  Read More

CBD oil for your pet?

More and more frequently, our veterinarians at Wascana Animal Hospital are being asked about the option of using CBD oil in pets.  CBD oil has not only been a popular discussion topic Read More

Lyme Disease

Spring in the Queen City will be coming soon enough (even with our current two feet of snow)...and with spring weather comes one parasite we all hate to find on our Read More

Ticks will soon be crawling back!

As we start the month of March at Wascana Animal Hospital, we are gearing up for the start of tick season which is just around the corner!  The recent warmer weather Read More

Online Veterinary Pharmacies - Buyer Beware!

Shopping online has become part of the norm for many of us.  Everything from clothing, books, to groceries can be ordered, purchased and delivered online…so what about veterinary prescriptions? The development Read More

The Current Buzz around Antibiotics

If you have visited our hospital in the past few months and/or have been following our social media posts, you may have noticed that the topic of antibiotics, particularly their appropriate Read More

The Terror of Tinsel!

Christmas is right around the corner, so we thought we would share a holiday-themed pet safety article written by a colleague (one of the best descriptions of how veterinarians view tinsel that Read More

Viewing 49 - 64 out of 92 posts


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