
Viewing 65 - 80 out of 92 posts


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Xylitol - What Pet Owners need to Know!

The Halloween decorations are starting to go up around Regina and people are beginning to bring home candy in preparation for this treat-filled holiday.  Most pet owners are aware of Read More

Thanksgiving Is Almost Here!

We have been treated to a beautiful fall season so far in the Queen City and soon have Thanksgiving weekend (with all the trimmings!) to look forward to.  While this Read More

Having A Baby? Part 3

So the time has finally come to bring your two-legged baby home to meet your four-legged one!  Bringing home a new human baby is very exciting, but also can be Read More

Having A Baby? Part 2

In Part One of our “Having A Baby?” blog, we discussed the importance of a general wellness check up for your pet with your veterinarian to identify any potential health Read More

Having A Baby?

One of the questions that our veterinarians get asked frequently, comes from clients who are going to be new parents of the two-legged variety!  They want to know how to Read More

What is Heartworm?

Spring is slowly arriving here in Regina and soon too unfortunately, the mosquitoes will be arriving as well!  Aside from being pesky, mosquitoes are also a concern when it comes to disease Read More

March is National Tick Awareness Month!

This month at Wascana Animal Hospital, we are gearing up for the start of tick season which is just around the corner!  The recent warmer weather has been perfect for activating Read More


At Wascana Animal Hospital, one of our top priorities is to minimize patient (and therefore owner!) stress whenever possible to make examinations easier on everyone.  In both our exam rooms Read More

Holiday Hazards

Well Christmas is almost upon us here in Regina and if anyone has tried going to Costco lately, you can tell that the "frenzy" is truly on right now!  We Read More

Winter Warnings

We have been blessed so far this year in the Queen City to have had such a warm and long-lasting fall season.  That said, we do live in Saskatchewan and Read More

Old's not a disease!

One of the common things our veterinarians hear from owners of senior pets displaying physical or mental health symptoms is "Well he/she's old now so I guess this is normal". Read More

What are zoonotic diseases?

This week at Wascana Animal Hospital we have been promoting the concept of "One Health" as we help the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) celebrate Animal Health Week.  Some of Read More

One Health

We are celebrating and promoting Animal Health Week at Wascana Animal Hospital!  The theme this year is the concept of "One Health".  Have you ever thought about how closely the Read More

Fall Factors

Fall has officially arrived here in the Queen City!  For this week (at least so far!), we have been able to enjoy some sunshine and the falling leaves.  The fall season Read More

What exactly is a hypoallergenic diet?

Allergies are one of the more common issues that veterinarians see pets for.  Sometimes the allergy affects the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract and causes vomiting and diarrhea problems, other times it may Read More

Bang, Boom, Crash!...Summer Noise

Summer is a time for enjoying the heat, spending time outdoors at the lake, and taking in the warm weather festivities.  Unfortunately for our pets though, summer can also bring Read More

Viewing 65 - 80 out of 92 posts


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