What to Expect

puppy1.png When you are looking for a veterinary care clinic you should be able to count on superior care and excellent service.  We at Bar N Veterinary Clinic, PC in Gatesville TX have an experienced staff to provide you with the best possible healthcare for your pets, horses and livestock.  Call (254) 865-8466 to schedule an appointment and we will find a time that is convenient for you.

Once a year, you should take your pet in for a check-up and routine vaccinations.  We will check the health of your pet from head to tail, and make any recommendations we feel are necessary to insure your pet's continued good health. 

If you are a new client or have a new pet, please bring in any medical history you have when you come for your appointment and give to our Receptionist upon check-in.  You can also have your present veterinary clinic fax your pet's records to us at (254) 865-8147 or email to us at [email protected].  If you do not have a copy of these records, let us know everything that you think will be important.  It's best to keep a journal of your pet's health throughout his or her life, including behavioral shifts.    Our Veterinarians can still work with whatever information you have.  


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Our Regular Schedule

After Hours Emergencies: Call 254-404-5206


8:00 am-5:30 pm


8:00 am-5:30 pm


8:00 am-5:30 pm


8:00 am-5:30 pm


8:00 am-5:30 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

