
Our name change to Foxridge Veterinary Care

  • Pet Care During Tough Times

    Studies have repeatedly shown that a large majority of pet owners consider their pets as a family member. We spoil them with birthday parties, presents, and all manner of toys and treats to keep them happy. But, when money is tight, extra expenses need to go. Sadly, some pet owners choose to avoid veterinary

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  • Lumps and Bumps: Routine Visits Pay Off

    When was the last time your pet visited the veterinarian? If you answered "not in a while," it is time to book your next appointment. Have you recently discovered a lump or bump on your pet? Don't let that new discovery go unexamined. While it may be completely benign, it is essential for your pet's

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  • Feeling Apprehensive About Pet Treatment Involving Anesthesia?

    Emergencies happen when we least expect it, and anesthesia could be a necessary component required to treat your pet. Treatment recommendations your veterinarian makes could also include dental care involving anesthesia. You may elect to neuter or spay your pet. Anesthesia will be required. Repair

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  • Don't Delay Pet Care While You Surf For Answers

    The World Wide Web has opened up communication opportunities between veterinarians and pet owners. Convenient hand held devices allow pet owners with Web connections to scan, surf, text and email to their heart's content at any hour of the day. Or night. You might think this is convenient for pet

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  • Managing Food Allergies with an Elimination Diet

    Food allergies are the third most common allergy that affects dogs and cats, outranked only by fleabites and inhaled allergens (e.g., pollen). Allergies to common food ingredients are also on the rise and now account for at least 30% of all allergy cases. Unfortunately for many pets, the most common

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Janssen Clinic for Animals



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