1305 Parkway Drive

Zionsville, IN 46077

(317) 873-1833

Gobble Gobble!

Nothing compliments the holidays like a good meal. The smell of turkey cooking in the oven…appetizers and side dishes…or even pumpkin pie…YUM!

As pet parents we may feel obligated to share that good food with our furry family members; however we need to keep in mind that everything good for us isn’t necessarily good for them. Foods that are high in fat or those sugary sweets can cause major stomach aches which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and possibly a trip to the emergency room! To keep our fur babies safe we shouldn’t share any bones or table scraps with our pets. Continue to feed them their normal diet & try and keep them on their regular feeding schedule even as you may be entertaining a houseful of guests.

If you really want to share something with your pet Lean treats are a healthy option! They are soft & chewy, yummy & also low fat. If your pet hasn’t tried them yet—you should really check them out! Lean treats are available for both cats and dogs.

For more great tips on ways to keep your pet safe this Thanksgiving holiday, please check out this great article from the folks at the Pet Health Network. And as always, if you have any concerns about something your pet has eaten this turkey day holiday, or anytime, please give us a call right away.

Wishing all of our clients & patients a wonderful Thanksgiving from all us at Zionsville Animal Hospital! We will be open our normal business hours tomorrow Wednesday, November 26th and also Friday, November 28th. We will be closed on Thursday to celebrate Thanksgiving.