1305 Parkway Drive

Zionsville, IN 46077

(317) 873-1833

Have a Safe & Happy "Howl-o-ween"!

It’s nearly time for trick-or-treating again, and we want your entire family -- two and four legged to be safe! While Halloween is a fun time for children, it is not typically so for our pets.

Halloween Night

Please remind your children to avoid having contact with any animals they don’t know while they’re out trick-or-treating on Halloween, as children’s costumes may be scary or even threatening to animals. At Michigan Road Animal Hospital at 96th Street, we urge you to keep your pets safe at home and not take them with you on Halloween night. If your dog is crate trained, this would be a great time to keep them crated as the trick-or-treaters come to your door. If you have cats or your dog is uncomfortable being created, keep your pets in an enclosed room away from the front door. Don't take any chances that your pet may escape when those ghosts and goblins come calling for their candy!

If your dog enjoys the fun of Halloween night and you do take him out with you, make sure that he is on a secure leash no longer than 6’ and has a well fitted collar with current identification. This is a great time to make sure your pet’s microchip information is up-to-date. You can do this by contacting your microchip company directly. If you’re not sure who that is, please contact us. If we microchipped your pet at our office you can contact Home Again® at www.homeagain.com. If your pet is not microchipped we would be glad to do that for you, just give us a call!

Candy Dangers

Please don’t allow your children to share their candy with any animals as those sugary treats can be harmful to ingest and can even pose a choking hazard to animals. Sugar-free candy or gum with Xylitol is actually toxic to pets. Keep the extra candy up high and out of reach, or in a sealed container should your pet decide to snatch a piece or two…or possibly the whole bag! If your pet does get into the Halloween candy, please contact us right away. If it is after hours, please contact the Airport Animal Emergi-Center at 317-248-0832 or Circle City Veterinary Emergency Center at 317-872-8387.

We hope you find these tips helpful, and that your entire family has a spooktacular (& safe!) Halloween!