Cat Grooming: Do they need our help?

By Teresa Morgado 

Although you may think cats take care of themselves there are many grooming tasks your cat needs help with. Here are some tips on how to make the grooming process easier. 


Cat’s tongues are ruff and are made specifically for grooming but your cat may still need help especially if he or she has long fur. Try brushing your cat when he or she wants to be pet. Cats love to rub themselves are on rough edges so being brushed will be a welcomed feeling.

Teeth brushing

Find a very small toothbrush (you may want to begin with a finger brush). To get your cat used to the brush dip it in some tuna oil or broth and let your cat lick it. Then slowly begin to rub his or her teeth with it. Next, put some pet toothpaste (your vet can recommend the best one for your cat) on the brush and let your cat smell and lick it. Once your cat is comfortable with the brush and toothpaste brush his or her teeth regularly.

Nail trimming

Choosing the right nail clippers is key here. There are three main types of clippers: scissor, guillotine and human nail cutters. Choose the clippers that you are most comfortable using. Press your cat’s paw pad to reveal the nail. You don’t have to cut too much off, the goal is to take off the sharp tip. Locate the quick (the vein in the nail) and do not cut close to it. Cutting it is very painful and will make your cat bleed. Remember to take things slow: it is better to cut one or two nails a day and have your cat relaxed than to trim all the nails at once and have a scared cat.

Tip #1: Trim your cat’s nails before you do any other grooming task so you won’t get scratched if your cat gets scared. 

Tip #2: Have food or treats for your cat during grooming so they feel safe and comfortable


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