Feline Enrichment

In a perfect world, we would be able to take our pets wherever we go. Unfortunately, be it work, grocery shopping, or catching up with friends, there are times in which you need to leave your furry companions at home. With cats having an independent nature, they are content in being home alone. But, just like other animals, cats can become bored when not given adequate stimulation. Boredom in cats can lead to a variety of issues, such as inappropriate urination, destructive behaviours, and aggression!

The most important thing you can do to prevent boredom in your cat is to ensure that you are providing a stimulating environment. Windows to look out of, toys to play with, scratching posts, and cat grass are just a few great ways to enrich your cat's life.

If you are looking to keep your cat entertained while you are away, here are some great tips and tricks to prevent boredom:

  • Let Your Cat "Hunt" For Food: Rather than let your cat eat out of one bowl, hide appropriate portions throughout the house. Placing food or treats in toys where they will have to work for their food is another excellent way to keep them occupied during the day.
  • Cat-Specific Furniture: As a member of the family, cats deserve their own furniture. Scratching posts, cat trees, and cat tunnels are a great way to keep your cat entertained for hours on end.
  • Get A Room with A View: Cats are captivated by watching the outside world go by. Installing a shelf near the window and leaving the blinds open can provide your kitty with a good view while you are away.
  • Supervised Time Outdoors: If allowed outside while supervised, it can be very delightful for both you and your cat. Either through leash and harness or outdoor cat enclosures (Cat Patios or “Catios”), this can help your cat experience the sights, scents, and sounds of the outdoors, but without the risk of free-roaming. Just make sure your cat is up to date on their vaccinations and have adequate flea and heartworm medication on board before venturing to the great outdoors.
  • Introduce A New Feline Friend: Cats are social creatures, and adding another feline friend is a great way to provide your cat with companionship and friendship. If you decided to go this route, ensure your new addition is introduced gradually and safely.

All in all, nobody understands your cat more than you! It might take some time and effort to find the right balance for keeping your kitty entertained while you are away. Regardless of what you choose, the above tips and tricks can help keep your cat healthy, happy, and content! 


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