The Importance of Early Handling and Socialization in Puppies

The wide-open world can be a scary place for our canine companions. It is up to us, the owners, to teach our dogs that there is nothing to fear. Early socialization is vital in ensuring a dog’s good behaviour through day-to-day life. Noisy streets, wild animals, other dogs, and handling are examples of situations we need to train our dogs to adapt to. A well socialized dog can go almost anywhere with their owners, make friends with all dogs and people, and allow full handling of all areas of their body.

Socializing with Other Dogs and Animals

Young puppies should be introduced to other fully vaccinated dogs as soon as possible. A well-behaved dog can be the best puppy teacher regarding proper canine manners. Puppy play sessions are a great way to introduce your puppy to new friends in a controlled environment. Allowing puppies to play with other pups of different shapes and sizes helps them to learn to regulate their play energy depending on the energy of the pup they play with. Some puppies like to wrestle around the floor while others may prefer a good game of tag. Play sessions are also a great way for you, as the owner, to learn to read canine body language and recognize when the pups are just playing versus when you may have to step in.   

Introducing your dog to other animals as early as possible will also be a great benefit. Anyone with a multi pet household knows how hard it can be to maintain a balanced peace between different species of pets; however, with the right amount of socialization and supervision, all of your four-legged, feathered, scaled, and amphibious friends can all get along.

Adapting to the Environment

We all consider our dogs to be members of our family and take them with us on our excursions as much as we can. The world is full of sights and sounds that can be overwhelming for a dog. Exposing your dog to as many outside stimulants as you can will help them to realize that although things can be scary, they are in no danger. Going for walks in a variety of different areas is one way to help your dog become accustomed with different environments and the sights, sounds, and smells that go with them.


Working at a veterinary clinic, one cannot stress enough the importance of getting your dog accustomed to being handled all over. Some puppies may get nippy when trying to hold them still for an extended period of time, especially if you are holding their paws. It is very important to teach your dog that being held is not necessarily going to be a negative experience. Many puppy owners and first-time dog owners will give in to their dogs when they want to be released. It is human nature to back away when a puppy is nipping at your hand; however, if you do give in, your puppy will learn that biting is the route to take when you don’t want someone touching you.

Feel free to pop into the clinic with your new furry family member to ask us any questions you have, and we can definitely help you get started on your journey! 

- Alyson


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