Heat Stroke in Dogs & Cats: Prevent Your Pet from Overheating

Pets Tips to Keep Dogs and Cats Safe from Heat Stroke

Many pets spend more time outside when it’s warm out, but this isn’t always a good idea. During heat waves or on very hot days, pets need to be protected from the dangers of heat and sun exposure, such as heat stress, heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Use the following pet tips to lower your pets’ risk of heat stroke and other heat-related problems this summer.

dog laying on grass

Symptoms of Heat Stress in Dogs and Cats

Cats and dogs sweat through their feet and pant in order to cool themselves off. In hot weather, this is not always enough to keep their body temperature low. When pets overheat, they might show visible signs of heat stress, such as panting or salivating excessively. Other signs include a higher heart rate, reddish gums or tongue, weakness or dizziness. Some pets also vomit, have diarrhea or become lethargic when they have heat exhaustion. 

Heat Stroke Care for Pets in Etobicoke

Pets in Etobicoke who are showing signs of heat stress need to be brought to a cooler area immediately. Placing a cool, wet towel on the back of their neck can help lower their body temperature. Pets with heat stress need immediate veterinary care.

Preventing Overheating in Pets

You can help prevent overheating in your pets this summer in a few different ways. Keep them inside in air conditioning or a cool environment on hot days. If they do need to go out, limit their time outdoors, provide plenty of cold water and make sure they have some shade. Never leave your pets in your parked car, since the temperature inside it can heat up rapidly in a very short amount of time.

Contact Our Veterinarian in Etobicoke

If you have a pet that needs care for illnesses or injuries this summer, please visit Richview Animal Hospital. Our veterinarian in Etobicoke can provide your pet with timely care to reduce the risk of serious health problems. We offer evening hours and Saturday hours in addition to normal business hours for your convenience.


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