Protect Your Dog or Cat from Heartworm Disease

Protect Your Dog or Cat From Heartworm Disease at Richview Animal Hospital in Etobicoke, ON

With the return of warm weather comes the risk of heartworm disease. Heartworms are transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes and can cause breathing problems, fatigue, weight loss, loss of energy and can lead to death. At Richview Animal Hospital in Etobicoke, ON we can provide heartworm testing and preventative medications to help your dog or cat avoid heartworm disease.

dog playing in grass with tongue out

What Is Heartworm Disease?

Heartworms are microscopic worms that are transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes. The mosquito bites an infected animal to feed on the blood, and then carries the immature worms to another animal. These worms then travel to the heart and lungs, maturing and reproducing, until the worms begin to affect the animal’s heart and lung function.

Heartworm Treatment

Once your dog is infected, heartworm treatment must be administered to prevent deterioration of the animal’s health. Initial treatment involves administering antibiotics, steroids and heartworm prevention drugs. Then, a series of injections of special medication must be given. Unfortunately, there is no current treatment for heartworm disease in cats, which makes preventive measures even more important.

Tips For Preventing Heartworm Disease

The best defense against your dog or cat getting heartworms is to provide heartworm prevention medications that will eliminate the worms when they are transmitted. Preventive medications in oral form that is given each month that can prevent your pet from being infested with the worms. An injection form is also available that must be administered every six months. Your Etobicoke vet can provide more information about the right heartworm prevention method for your pet, as well as flea and tick prevention measures.

Contact Richview Animal Hospital for Veterinary Care in Etobicoke, ON!

Dr. Sterbinsky and the team at Richview Animal Hospital understand the importance of your pet to you and your family. We offer a range of veterinary services to ensure the health of our patients, from vaccinations to surgery, and we can even board your pet while you’re away. Call Richview Animal Hospital today at 647-490-1622 for an appointment to talk to your Etobicoke vet about preventing heartworm disease in your pet.


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