Summer With Your Best Friend By Christina

Summer with Your Best Friend
 By Christina RVT

Summer is a great time to explore and go on adventures with your best friend! Bringing your dog out to enjoy the beautiful weather can be lots of fun, but also potentially dangerous! Always remember to keep your pet cool on those hot summer days and to pack supplies before heading out!

SHADE! Keep your pet in the shade as much as possible. It doesn’t take long for our furry friends to overheat, so minimizing your pet’s activity (especially during peak heat and humidity) can help keep them cool.

WATER! The most important thing is to remember to keep your pet hydrated at all times. Bring a water bottle to the park to offer your dog fresh water throughout your adventures.

COOLING VESTS! If you have a big, fluffy dog that is at risk for overheating you may want to consider purchasing a cooling vest that they can wear in the summer time.

FROZEN TREATS! Pupcicles are fun and easy to make, and your dog will love it! Fill an ice cube tray with a variety of dog-safe foods and freeze!

SWIMMING! If your dog loves the water, swimming is a fun way to help keep them cool. Always monitor your pets around water to prevent any accidents. Pool party anyone?

It is always nice to bring your pet along for some outdoor bonding time, but if it is too hot outside they may be more comfortable left at home. And if you do bring them out with you please remember to NEVER leave them in the car. If you have any questions about how to maximize your summer fun with your pet, please give us a call at 416-245-8805.


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